Episode 1

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I flipped over Obi-Wan, causing him to turn, lightsaber outstretched, "You've gotten better since we last fought," he panted, his chest was exposed and was glistening with sweat.

"Maybe you've gotten worse, old man," I chucked slightly, also panting. I wore a simple tight shirt and some loose pants, I was also drenched in sweat. We lept at each other fight for a few seconds before he put his lightsaber to my throat,

"I doubt it," Obi-Wan told me. I yielded, turning my lightsabers off. Anakin clapped from where he was standing, as did Ahsoka.

"Well done Master, now can we please go?" he asked,

"Master Skywalker is right," Ahsoka agreed, "We have a briefing in 5 minutes,"

"And it takes Obi-Wan at least 20 to shower," I punched Obi-Wan lightly,

"Oh haha," Obi-Wan fake laughed, "You're ganging up on me now!" We laughed as Obi-Wan walked toward the showers.

"Don't worry, Anakin," I told the young man, "You'll get to your briefing on time," Anakin nodded slightly,

"Come on, Snips," Anakin started walking toward the exit, "If Obi-Wan wants to be late that's his fault," I chuckled slightly as the two left the training centre. I headed toward the showers. I went in, showered, and then changed into my robes, feeling refreshed. I walked to the mess hall and went in. Anakin and Ahsoka were sitting at one of the tables. I got my food and went over,

"I thought you had a briefing?" I said, starting to eat,

"Master Skywalker got the time wrong, it's actually in an hour," Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

"It's not my fault, Snips, you told me that the it was in 5 minutes," Anakin replied, Ahsoka rolled her eyes again. Obi-Wan came over soon after,

"So did you two realise that the briefing is in an hour, then?" he asked,

"Yes," Anakin sighed. Obi-Wan laughed. When I had nearly finished Master Windu came over.

"Aris?" he questioned,

"Yes, Master Windu?" I turned to him,

"May I speak with you?" he gestured to me,

"Of course, Master," I got up and followed Windu to the corner of the room,

"Meet me in Briefing Room 6, do not tell anyone and make sure you are not followed," Windu told me, "Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master, I'll be there, when?" I replied,

"2 minutes," he nodded and so did I. He walked off and I was left to go back over to Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Anakin.

"What was that all about?" asked Obi-Wan,

"Master Windu just needed to talk to me," I tried not to seem suspicious,

"Uh-huh," Obi-Wan scoffed.

"Excuse me," I quickly got up and left the mess hall, walking to my room at the end of the hall. I still slept on the window sill, it calmed me after all the years. I sat on my bed and looked out at the city.

What was I in here for? I thought to myself, Robe, that's it. I grabbed my robe off the bed and made my way to Briefing Room 6. I had never been in Briefing Room 6, not that I remembered if I had anyway. I was about to knock when the door opened. Master Yoda and Windu stood at the table, waiting.

"Sorry, I'm late," I cleared my throat slightly.

"Shall we get straight to it?" Windu asked,

"Straight to what?" I could sense unrest in the two of them.

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