Episode 11

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Aris POV

"Aris! Violet!" it was Obi-Wan calling our names. We both turned in sync, looking at him. "You have a new mission," he said waving a data disk in front of our faces. Violet snatched it out of his hands.

"We'll be in room 3," she sighed. We went into room 3 and Violet inserted the disk into the data input. Master Windu began calling us and we answered. Windu came up as a hologram and waved before starting to talk.

"Sorry I can't be there with you," he sighed, "You have a new mission. The Separatists are advancing on the outer rim world of Lothal," A hologram of the planet appeared, "We need you two to retake it. There is a small palace that was used a few centuries ago that is one of the only places not occupied by the Separatists." A picture of a beautiful palace showed up, "You will head there and use that as your base of operations. Leave soon, this is an important mission, may the force be with you,"

"Thank you, Master," I replied, "May the force be with you also," Windu nodded and then stopped the transmission. I sighed and sat down on a nearby chair, "That was an exposition dump,"

"I would agree," Violet shrugged, sitting down beside me, "But I have no idea what that means," I chuckled at my sister's stupidity before getting up and pacing the room. I pulled up a hologram of the palace again and studied it, "What are you looking for?" Violet asked.

"The most defensible positions, I was wondering if we could have snipers up here in the towers," I pointed to the large cluster of towers to one side of the palace. Violet hummed in agreement,

"Our base of operations could be there," she pointed to the middle area,

"Why there?" I asked,

"The walls go quite high up there and there isn't a break in the windows until there," she pointed to where there was a large gap between two windows, "It's quite a large and high room," I nodded, realising my sister wasn't as stupid as I thought her to be.

"Alright," I sighed, "We have sniper positions and a base... what else do we need?"

"We need some sort of medical bay," Violet shook her head at my forgetfulness.

"Sorry," I sighed, sitting down, "My mind hasn't been the same since the dream,"

"Still haven't found out why it was you?" She asked, I shook my head,

"Come on, Master," said Kiana, coming into the room, "We have to get going soon,"

"And who said you're going, Padawan?" I questioned, teasing her,

"Obi-Wan told me you were in here and that I had to join the mission," Kiana shrugged,

"Alright then," Violet rubbed her hands together, "Medical bay,"

"Here," I pointed to a good-sized room near the entrance,

"Why that room?" Kiana asked,

"It's near the entrance so we can get injured clones in and out pretty quickly," I explained, "It's also a good size,"

"I'll tell our medics where it is when we get there," Violet told me,

"Good," I nodded, "Then let's get going,"

- Time Skip -

I sighed as we jumped out of hyperspace and the green and blue planet of Lothal appeared.

"Get ready," I told the clones, Violet and Kiana, "The Separatists might be waiting," as I said it, the ship rocked. "Get to your ships," I ordered. Some of the clones ran off but Violet and Kiana stayed with me. "Girls, get the gunships ready to go down to the surface," they nodded and ran off.

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