Episode 4

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I smiled at the idea of training with my new Master, "Got your lightsaber?" he asked looking over his shoulder at me.

"Yes, I always keep it on me.... just in case," I said enthusiastically. Windu laughed, "Good, remember that Jedi Masters are attacked more than other Jedi, you need to be ready,"

"I'm always ready Master!" I said enthusiastically.

Windu chuckled, "Good," we turned around another corner and to a huge door with the words, 'Training Centre' above it. It looked as if every master had the same idea as us. I heard a familiar voice ring out in the crowd, "Can't we just barge past Master?" I looked and saw that Violet was talking to Yaddle. I turned back to Windu and saw him smile,

"No fear," he said looking down at me, "I know where we shall train," he gave me a knowing look and we headed toward the turbo-lift. I got in; the turbo-lift was empty now that all the Masters were on the 5th level. Windu waved his hand over the controls again and a 'G' showed up on the screen. The lift headed down.


The door opened onto a large room full of Jedi and other people. We walked behind the turbo-lift to a small glass door that I had never noticed before. As the door closed behind me I looked out at the large courtyard in front of me. On every side of the square was a garden or pool of some sort. In the middle was a platform that went down into the rocks instead of up. There was a large tree in the middle of the lowered platform, "Where are we?" I asked spinning around slowly, trying to take everything in. Windu smiled at me, "The Jedi gardens, I thought they let you come down as younglings?"

I nodded my head, "Only once or twice, but I don't remember it being this beautiful." I looked up at the sky which was turning a shade of light orange.

"Over here, Aris!" Windu said, beckoning me over to a corner. I went and stood on the small grass patch. There was a tree hanging over the grass. "Now," said Windu, "Training." I ignited my lightsaber. Windu shook his head slowly, "Not that type of training." I deactivated my lightsaber and frowned. Windu sat down, his legs crossed, "We need to connect through the force," I understood then. I sat down, legs crossed and relaxed.

After a while, I felt something; a force connection pulsating through me like ripples on still water. Then I saw a flashing white light in the darkness. Then I opened my eyes. Master Windu was sitting legs still crossed staring at me. "Master?" I asked quietly. He nodded,

"We connected through the force." he said getting up and stretching his legs, "We'd better get inside." I looked up at the sky which was quickly darkening. We headed back inside,

"How long were we out there?" I asked looking up at him. Windu waved his hand over the control when we get into the turbo-lift,

"We were there for about an hour and a half," I gasped slightly,

"It only felt like a few minutes!" I said as we headed up. Windu looked down at me,

"The force can do things like that," I nodded as the doors open. We headed down the corridor in silence and turned into a large cafeteria. I followed Windu over to the bench on one side and started getting my food. "Sit down with your friends," said Windu heading over to Master Yoda. I nodded and looked for Obi-Wan or Violet. I spotted them sitting in a corner of the room, hunched over a holo-screen. I sat down opposite them and cleared my throat,

"What did you guys do today?" I said, digging into my dinner. The holo-screen quickly deactivated and Obi-Wan tucked it into his robes. I ignored it and said, "Tell me all about today..."

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