Episode 9

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Sorry, that this one is kinda shit, this one and then next are kind of fillers ngl.

Violet POV

I relaxed, knowing that Aris had everything under control. I wanted to stay with my family. I was sick of all the fighting, sick of having to choose a side. I wanted to be like Mandalore; neutral. I knew that Obi-Wan, Aris and Windu wouldn't allow me, but a girl can dream. I walked around the Empress. We were cruising through hyperspace, with the Negotiator right on our tail.

I aimlessly walked through the ship, not really knowing what to do. I felt a strong pull in the force and I stopped. I quickly sat down at the edge of the empty corridor and meditated. I heard many clones go past, none regarded me. I felt a pull to the dark side. I disregarded it and the pull disappeared and I got up, continuing to walk toward the hangar. I went over to my ship, which had purple markings and sat in it. I fiddled with the controls until I got out and opened the control panel.

I worked on my ship, improving the aim or thrusters until we arrived back at Coruscant.


Aris POV

I gave my report on the mission and then went to the training area. Violet was going to sleep in her room so I was alone. I turned on one of the Advanced Training droids which came at me with a fake lightsaber shaped stick. I ignited my two yellow blades and then calmed myself. I moved into a defensive stance, reading to fight the droid. I lept at it, it blocked me at first but I quickly cut through its middle section, destroying it.

I sighed, "That was easy," I whispered to myself. I looked toward the other 20 droids that were lined up against the wall. I turned them all on and then turned them up to the highest level. I moved back to the middle of the training area as they turned on and raised their lightsaber sticks. I automatically went into a defensive stance again and waited as the droids positioned themselves around me.

First I leapt toward one of them and it blocked. I continued trying to destroy it until I chopped its head off, destroying another in the process. They swarmed toward me and covered me. I started sweating because the droids were radiating heat. I called the power of the force to me and pushed them all back, swinging my arms around I destroyed most of them while the others were destroyed by hitting the wall of the training area. I panted as I recovered from the swarm of droids.

I heard applause behind me. I turned to see a few Jedi younglings and a Master watching me from the levels above. I waved at them and then turned back to the droids. They were all sparking, "Sorry Kazdan!" I called to the Aleena who was now dragging a few droids toward the workshop using his mechanical arms. He shook his head and waved me away. I walked into the showers and went to my locker.

I opened it and took out my extra robes and a towel. I went into a shower cubicle and placed my robes on the bench nearby. I undressed and stepped into the shower. Turning on the cold water to cool me down. I let the water wash over my hot body. I washed and then dried myself. I slipped on the extra robes and then left the showers.

I went outside the Temple and ended up in Coco Town. My stomach rumbled, telling me it was time for food. I went into Dex's Diner when I saw its sign,

"Aris!" Dex shouted as I came in,

"Hello, Dex!" I said back. I sat down at a booth and looked at the menu. A robot waitress came over and asked what I wanted, "A Photon Fizzle and 2 pieces of Fried Endorian Chicken," the waitress zoomed over to Dex and gave him my order,

"You sure you're old enough to drink?" Dex laughed,

"Yep," I replied, "Past that age about 20 years ago," I waited for my food and instead of a waitress giving it to me Dex himself came out and sat opposite me as I ate. "How business been?" I asked,

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