Take a break

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Requested by Iliketomakefanfic

Set a few days after HTTYD2.

Not my best, but I really wanna focus on my next Oneshot. You guys are gonna love it.

Requests are welcome x

Hope you enjoy :)


Hiccup awoke in the early hours of the morning and honestly, he wasn't feeling all that great. He had only managed to get three hours of sleep in four days. And it showed. He attempted to sit up only to halt as he was overtaken by dizziness.

He rolled over to see the goddess that was Astrid, sleeping soundly by his side. She was cuddling Hiccup's stuffed Nadder as she often did when Hiccup was working late.  

Hiccup lived for these moments. In a perfect world, he could stay forever, gently stroking her hair as she nuzzled closer and closer to his chest. But alas, this wasn't a perfect world.

He tumbled out of bed and threw on his tunic before sauntering outside to start the day, now fighting to keep his balance as his head started pounding and spinning, his stomach churning with each step he took. He brushed it off, certain it would subside. He didn't even shut his front door before being summoned by Gobber, this was going to be a long day.


Astrid decided to surprise Hiccup for lunch and raced to the forge. She entered and stepped inside to find her auburn-haired boyfriend asleep at his desk. His desk was filled with blueprints. His pencil still in his hand, but barely. 

She giggled as he snored ever so softly. It was barely audible, only Astrid would notice. His hair was messier than usual, he was frighteningly pale and had dark circles forming under his eyes. 

She knelt by Hiccup's side and gently swept his hair away from his face.

"Hiccup..." She whispered softly.

"Mmm..." He groaned. He really wasn't a morning person, even though it was noon.

"Sweetie, maybe you should go home and get some rest." She suggested.

"I'm fine, Astrid. I have to finish these blueprints." He finally lifted his head, rubbing his eyes and brushing his hair back with both hands before returning his attention to his blueprints, fighting to keep his eyes open. Ever since the Drago 'fiasco', Hiccup had been working on the repairs non-stop. Of course, he had to schedule it around his other chiefing duties. But he somehow found time to do it all. Everything except sleeping, of course. Astrid let out a sigh. Hiccup had also become rather stubborn since he became chief, and she knew he wasn't going to stop until the repairs were done.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" She volunteered.

"No thanks, I'm good." He fibbed. "Actually, could you go check on mom for me?"

Astrid nodded. Hiccup often asked her to keep Valka company. After all, she had been missing for twenty years, and settling back into life on Berk was a little overwhelming at times. But, Astrid didn't mind. In fact, she and Valka had bonded rather well since Stoick passed away.

She glanced back at Hiccup once more before heading over to her boyfriend's house. Of course, it was unofficially her house too. She sat with Valka, mostly talking about Hiccup. And dragons. 


A few hours later there was a knock at the door. Astrid answered the door to find Gobber looking rather agitated.

"Hey, Gobber." She greeted. "What brings you here?"

"That boyfriend of yours is DRIVING ME BATTY!" He bellowed. Astrid chuckled. Typical Hiccup. "Boar-headed and stubborn just like his father was."

"What did he do now?" Valka smirked.

"More like what he won't do," Gobber explained. "The boy's not doing so good."

"What are you talking about?" Astrid worried.

"I went to check on him after lunch and caught him spilling his guts. I keep trying to get him to come home and rest but-"

Gobber was cut off when Astrid shot past him. Enough was enough. She knew something wasn't right when she saw him hours before. She should have followed her instincts. 

She burst into the forge and caught Hiccup kicking an empty bucket under his desk.

"Astrid! Hi, Astrid!" He greeted with the most sincere smile he could muster.

"Save it!" That was all she said. She grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him outside, not caring who was watching.

"Astrid, what are you doing? I have work to do!" Hiccup protested as he stumbled over his prosthetic. Astrid didn't say a word until they got back to the house.

Gobber and Valka jumped up as Astrid pushed the door open, pulling the chief inside.

"There... problem solved." She glared at Gobber.

"Astrid, this is ridiculous!" Hiccup scowled as he attempted to get past her. Valka stood against the front door, preventing Hiccup from rushing back out. Hiccup clutched his stomach, his lips pressed together firmly as he fought off another wave of nausea, desperately trying to hide it. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Astrid scolded.

"Tell you what?" Hiccup avoided.

Astrid rolled her eyes before grabbing Hiccup's hand, guiding him up the stairs to his bedroom. 

"Astrid. Will you stop?" He pleaded.

"Will you?!" She snapped. She dragged him into the bedroom and shoved him onto the bed, a little harder than intended. Hiccup was too tired to fight back anymore. Astrid quickly got to work removing his prosthetic, stopping him from bolting. Once he had finally stopped struggling she removed her armor pads and skirt and tucked herself in beside him. "Berk can wait."

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