Drama Queen

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Requested by astridvh

Not the best ending, but it's 2am.

Requests are welcome x

Hope you enjoy :)


"Hey, Bud. Where's Hiccup?" Astrid wondered as the Night Fury sauntered into the clubhouse for breakfast, without his rider, which was highly unusual.

Toothless rolled his eyes at the young blonde and wandered over to Fishlegs. He knew that Fishlegs always had food handy. If Hiccup wasn't there to feed him, he could always count on Fishlegs.

"I'll be right back." Astrid declared before heading towards her boyfriend's hut. "Hiccup?" She called as she opened the door and wandered inside.

"Mmmm" A quiet groan was heard from the loft of his hut. Astrid raced up the stairs to find Hiccup still in bed, his face buried deep in his pillow, his arms by his side and, not one, not two, but three fur blankets.

"Hiccup, what are you doing?" Astrid asked, curiously.

"Dying." He stated plainly. The sound of his voice was muffled by the cushions but still sounded raspy. He slowly turned himself over, now staring up at the ceiling.

"What are you talking about?" Astrid approached the pale teen.

"Don't-" He took a breath to speak again, but instead, ended up in a coughing fit. Astrid rolled her eyes, similarly to the way Toothless had done just moments before. Astrid of course, ignored what she knew he was trying to say and sat at the edge of the bed facing his direction as he coughed into his arm.

She sighed before placing the back of her hand against his forehead. She was almost shocked at the heat radiating from his skin.

"Hiccup, you have a fever. Did you wear your furs yesterday like I told you to?" Astrid asked, knowing all too well that he didn't. No response. "Thought not."

She headed to the clubhouse to grab a drink of water.

"Hey, everything okay?" Fishlegs asked as she entered.

"Hiccup has a cold." She confirmed.

"What, how?" Snotlout gasped as he threw his hands over his mouth.

"The mutton head went to Icestrom Island without his furs." She explained. They had discovered Icestorm Island a few weeks back, and it was so far north that it was even colder than Glacier Island. "I tried to warn him."

"Awesome. When Hiccup dies. Can I have Toothless?" Tuffnut begged. The Night Fury's ears perked up and the mention of his name.

"Tuffnut, there's no time. We all need to go to our huts, and lock ourselves in until it passes." Snotlout mumbled through his hands.

"It's just a cold, Snotlout. It's not like he has the scourge or anything." Astrid scoffed.

"Exactly. For all I know, you could be giving it to me right now." Snotlout panicked. "I already feel short of breath." He placed a hand on his forehead. "I think I have a fever." He raced to Fishlegs. "Do I have a fever? Wait! Don't touch me. Oh, Thor. This is it. We're all gonna die!"

Fishlegs whimpered.

"Ugh, boys!" Astrid rolled her eyes before heading back to Hiccup's hut with a drink of water.

When she returned, Hiccup had pulled the blankets up to his neck and cocooned himself. She shuffled in beside him and handed him the mug of water.

"Astrid, what if I'm contagious?" He asked as she wrapped her arm over his shoulder.

"Then I'm catching it." She stated. "Besides, you kissed me, how many times yesterday?"

"Seventeen." Of course, he counted.

"So, odds are, I already have it." Astrid chuckled. "Now, drink up. We've got work to do." She ordered. He let out a sneeze, trying his best to hold it in. He shuddered, rather dramatically.

"You want me to work?" Hiccup sniffled. "I'm dying, and you want me to work?"

"Hiccup, it's just a cold. You're fine." She rolled her eyes as she left the bed, throwing his leggings and leather shirt his way.

"No, I'm not." He coughed. "I may have as long as three hours left."

"If you say so." Astrid chuckled. "Get dressed, Drama Queen."

"I can't. So, tired."

Noticing he wasn't making any effort to start the day, she headed over and sat him up, placing his tunic over his head.

"Astrid, please. I don't have long left. Will you just sit with me?" He tapped the bed beside him.

"Hiccup, we both know that if you don't get up, Snotlout and the Twins are gonna tear the place apart.

"What does it matter?" He threw himself back on the bed, dramatically. Astrid grabbed his arm, pulling him back into an upright position before feeding his arms through the sleeves of his deep red tunic. She turned him round so his 'leg' was dangling over the edge of the bed. He laid back, rather suddenly as she began to attach his prosthetic, before putting on his leggings and boot.

Hiccup grabbed her wrist. "Astrid, will you say goodbye to Toothless for me?"

Astrid rolled her eyes. She knew Hiccup was dramatic, but this was ridiculous. She had no idea what she had gotten herself into. But, she knew how to get herself out of it.

"Okay, I guess I'll just have to find him a new rider." She smirked. Hiccup sat up and furrowed his brow.

"Not yet. At least wait until I'm gone." He said before throwing himself back, regaining character.

"Okay, I guess I better go tell Snotlout. I'm sure he'll be thrilled that he'll finally get to marry me." Astrid fought so hard not to choke on her words, but luckily, Astrid was a terrific actress. Hiccup shot out of bed faster than he could blink.

"WHAT?!" He shrieked. "NO! I'M FINE! IT'S - I'M FINE. Please for the love of Thor, don't marry Snotlout." He gasped, grabbing her shoulders and staring her straight in the eye, desperately trying to figure out if she was serious or not. But, as I said, Astrid was a terrific actress.

"SNOTLOUT?!" Hiccup bellowed as he raced out of his hut, shortly followed by Astrid, who was feeling extremely proud of herself. Snotlout yelped as a, slighty contagious Hiccup darted into the clubhouse. Hiccup grabbed Snotlout by the shoulders as the short, stocky viking tried his best to cover his mouth, protecting himself from Hiccup's germs. "Just know, that if I die, and you go anywhere near Astrid. I will haunt you from the depths of Valhalla."

"Understood." Snotlout whimpered, nodding. Though he had no idea why on earth Hiccup had brought such a random subject up. Let's just say, Snotlout didn't get a whole lot of sleep that night.


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