Miracle (Part 2)

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Part 2!
I wrote this at 2am so please excuse this chapter x

Requests are welcome x
Hope you enjoy :)


Astrid clutched her stomach, breathing rapidly. Heather raced to her side.

"We have to get you to Gothi, now!" Heather suggested.

"I-I can't! It's too soon!" Astrid panicked.

"Astrid. You're gonna be fine. Both of you. But we need to get you back." Heather reassured.


Heather guided Astrid through the forest. She had attempted to mount her dragon, but it was too difficult a task, given her current situation.

Astrid bent over, grasping her stomach tightly as she hissed in pain.

"Well, well, well..." The girls heard a familiar voice from within the shadows. Not a good familiar. A bad familiar. "You're just about ready to pop aren't you."

Heather gasped and jumped in front of Astrid as Krogan stepped out from the bushes. Stormfly and Windshear both took defensive positions, growling in an attempt to scare him off.

"Now, now. None of that." He smirked as he clicked his fingers. Suddenly the dragons fell to the ground with a thud.



The girls shrieked in unison. Though Heather refused to move an inch.

"I'm going to make this very simple, Heather. Step aside." Krogan hissed.

"Not a chance!" She scowled, grabbing her battle axe from the holster on her back.

"AH!" Astrid dropped to the ground, clutching her stomach.

Krogan chuckled, mischievously.

Heather let out a Berserker battle cry as she lunged at Krogan. They continued to fight for a few minutes before Astrid cried out once again.


"Astrid, breathe!" She called as she swung her axe at the muscular man, barely missing his face as he ducked out of the way.

"Enough!" He bellowed as he swung his leg round. Sweeping Heather off the ground, landing rather hard on the ground. Knocking her out.


"She's still not back?" Valka asked Fishlegs as her son paced around the arena. The sun was beginning to set and Hiccup hadn't seen Astrid since the early hours of the morning.

"Nope," Fishlegs explained. "I give it ten seconds before he decides to go looking for her."

Hiccup spun around.

"Okay, that's it. We're going to look for her." Hiccup ordered.


The riders landed on the cliff. No Astrid insight.

"Hiccup!" Fishlegs called the chief over to see the footprints he had found.

"Let's go, guys!"


They followed the tracks to an opening in the forest to find Stormfly and Windshear unconscious on the cold ground. The riders all gasped. Fishlegs rushed to Windshear while Hiccup raced to Stormfly.

"Tranquilizer dart. They'll be fine." Fishlegs stated as he pulled the dart out of Windshear's leg. Hiccup did the same with the dart in Stormfly's neck.

"Mmph." A quiet groan was heard behind them, they spun to see the raven-haired rider regaining consciousness. Fishlegs darted to her aid.

"Heather?!" He shrieked. "What happened?"

She shot up and her eyes flew open as she remembered what happened.

"Astrid?! Where's Astrid?!" She cried.

"Woah, Woah." Fishlegs soothed. "Just relax. You hit your head."

"Fishlegs, I'm fine!" She snapped. Heather never snapped, especially at Fishlegs. But right now, there wasn't time. "Krogan! He took her!"

Hiccup froze. Only for a second.

"It's dark?! It must've been hours ago!" Heather informed.

Heather jumped up off the ground and raced to her dragon.

"Woah. Maybe you should take it easy!" Hiccup suggested.

"Hiccup, her water broke! We're running out of time!" She cried.

Oh, gods. Not now!

"Heather, think! Which way did they go?!" Hiccup said, way too fast.


Hiccup raced to Toothless.


Astrid was desperate to hold back her screams, despite the gut-wrenching pain tearing through her stomach.

But after hours of agony, she couldn't hold it back any longer. She cried out.


Hiccup couldn't help but blame himself. He knew he should have never left Astrid's side.

They searched and searched but after the wind blew them off course, he was sure they weren't gonna find her in time.

He bellowed with fury as he laid back against his dragon.

"Hiccup!" Heather called, pointing out the large island ahead of them.

"I'm coming, Astrid." He whispered to himself. "Just hold on."


The explosions outside were like music to Astrid's ears. She would recognize those sounds anywhere.


Hiccup burst into Krogan's hut.

"ASTRID!" He gasped as Krogan held a dagger to the blonde's throat. She was pale and red at the same time, sweat dripping down her face, blood soaking through her leggings. She wasn't even fighting her way out anymore. She couldn't. All her energy had been drained from hours of torturous pain she had endured, which wasn't getting any less painful. He looked over to the cage to the left of the room where Astrid had been held. Now covered with blood.

Astrid cried out in pain.


"Thanks, Hiccup. You saved me the task of torturing her. Your baby seems to be doing all the work for me."

"Let her go, Krogan!" He ordered.

"I don't think so, Hiccup!" Krogan scowled. "I'm gonna make this simple. The Night Fury for the girl!"

Hiccup refused to take his eyes off Astrid, who was shaking violently in Krogan's restraint.

"You're crazy if you think I'm gonna make that choice!" Hiccup scowled as he was joined in the hut by Heather and Valka.

Krogan brought the dagger away from the blonde's throat and held the tip against her enlarged stomach, if Astrid so much as coughed, the dagger would slice her like warm yak butter.

"NO!" Hiccup gasped.


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