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Hiccup was sat in the forge in the early, early hours of the morning, working on some new blueprints.

"Hiccup?" Astrid called. "Are you in here?"

"Over here, Astrid." He confirmed.

"What are you working on?" Astrid made her way over to Hiccup's desk.

"Toothless keeps bending his tail fin when he makes turns. I'm working on making it stronger and lighter to prevent that." He explained.

"Have you been working all night?" She asked, resting her hand on his shoulder.

"Pretty much. OW-" He shrieked as his hammer met his finger.

"Are you okay?!" Astrid worried.

"I'm fine." He assured, shaking his hand and returning to his work.

A few moments later he yelped again.

"Did you just prick yourself?" Astrid asked.

"It's fine." Hiccup fibbed.

Astrid grabbed a box of medical supplies that Gobber kept under his desk dropping it on Hiccup's desk.

"Give me your hand." She ordered. Hiccup did as told knowing she would always win. Astrid brought his finger to her lips, slowing the bleeding, and held it there as she prepared a bandaid.

"There, all better." She chuckled. "You're starting to get really clumsy, you know that?" She packed away the supplies and then hopped up onto Hiccup's desk. "Hiccup! No wonder you keep hurting yourself. How can you see anything through all that hair?!" She asked, brushing the long auburn locks from his face.

"You have more hair than I do. You manage perfectly fine." Hiccup retorted.

"Because I keep it out of the way." She explained. "Plus, I'm a little more coordinated than you are."

She hopped off the desk and scooped all of his hair into her hand.

"Astrid, please tell me you're not putting my hair up." Hiccup wondered.

"Hiccup, the fact that your hair is more than long enough to tie up just shows how much you need a haircut." Astrid chuckled.

"I know but Phlema always cuts my hair and her and Snappy are visiting Impossible Island and won't be back for another week." Hiccup explained.

"Then let me cut it," Astrid suggested.

"What?!" Hiccup gasped. "You?"

"Why not? I cut my own hair." She admitted.

Hiccup shook her hands out of his hair, allowing it to fall back over his face, and returned to his project.

Astrid suddenly grabbed his arms and wrapped them behind him tying them up with a rope, using the devil's tongue knot to keep it secure.

"Astrid?! What in Thor's name are you doing?" Hiccup shrieked.

"You really think I'm gonna let you pick up any more pointy objects," Astrid smirked. "Think again, Dragon Master."

She picked up a pair of scissors.

"Hiccup. Do you trust me?" She asked.

"Trust you?! You just tied me up!" He snarled.

"What did you expect?" She shrugged. Hiccup remained silent and just pouted at her. "I'll ask again. Do you trust me?"

"Yes." Hiccup sighed.

"Good." Astrid quickly got to work.


"All done," Astrid announced, dropping the pair of scissors and a handful of hair on the desk.

"I'm scared to look." Hiccup winced. Astrid slapped his shoulder with the back of her hand.

She spun his chair around and sat on his lap, straddling his legs. She ran her fingers through his messy auburn hair.

"Astrid, what are you doing?"

"I'm just checking to make sure it's even." She informed.

She gazed into his eyes for a brief moment. He, in turn, found himself lost in a vast sea of beauty. Astrid gradually leaned in, placing a gentle kiss against his lips, barely touching, sending butterflies straight to his stomach. She pulled away, resting their foreheads together.

"Astrid..." Hiccup whispered.

"Yeah?" She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'm still tied to the chair."He said. Astrid let out a giggle before kissing him again.

"I know." She smirked. They slowly leaned in once more when...


"GOBBER?!" They both gasped. Astrid jumped away as Hiccup attempted to wriggle his hands-free.


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