Paper Cut (Part 2)

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The riders saddled up their dragons.

"Astrid, you sure you don't wanna stay here?" Hiccup wondered.

"Hiccup, for all that is sacred in Thor's world, will you please relax because you're driving me nuts! It's just a paper cut!" She scolded.

"I just don't like seeing you get hurt." He admitted.

"Hiccup..." She glared at him.

"Okay, okay." Hiccup threw his hands up in surrender. "I'll tone it down to 80% but that's the best I can do."


"Wait a minute?!" Snotlout shrieked as the riders landed on a strangely familiar island. "I recognize this island! You never said we we're going to Breakneck Bog?!"

"Because if I told you, you wouldn't have come." Hiccup admitted.

"Of course I wouldn't have come!"Snotlout agreed. "We barely made it off this island in one piece the last time we were here. Why on earth would you think I'd want to come back here!"

"Well I for one, have missed these foggy woods." Tuffnut stated. "Wait? Breakneck Bog? Which one was that again?" He asked his sister as she dismounted her dragon. "Is this the island with all the Whispering deaths?"

"No, that's Puffin Point." The female twin explained. "This is the island with all the Smothering Smokebreaths."

"Ahhh. A totally different death, but amusing nonetheless." Tuffnut informed. "Where are those little guys?"

"Tuff, leave the Smokebreaths alone!" Hiccup ordered. "Okay, we split up and scour the island. Heather, Ruff, Tuff. You take the north side of the island. Fishlegs and Snotlout. You take the south. Astrid and I will take the center. Distress call if you run into those dragons."


The riders all headed off in their assigned directions.

"Astrid, are you sure you're okay?" Hiccup asked, again.

"It depends."


"How many times you're gonna ask me that question." She stated.

"I'm just trying to help." He told her.

"I know." She sighed. "But, a paper cut? It's hardly the end of the world. And you making such a big deal out of it, in front of everyone. It's embarrassing."

"You're saying I embarrass you?" He asked, apprehensively as they stopped by a large rock in the opening they came across in the forest.

"No!" Astrid sighed. "It's not you. It's just- I'm not some weak little girl that needs constant protection."

"I know that. But Astrid, that's not gonna stop me from wanting to keep you safe."

"You're right. Thank you for protecting me from the evil paper." She teased.

"Astrid..." He glared at her. She burst into a fit of laughter. After a few seconds he joined in, realizing how ridiculous he had been. They spent a few minutes trying to catch their breath.

"Hiccup, you know I love you taking care of me. I think it's sweet. But, you don't need to freak out over the slightest drop of blood. And could you tone it down around the others?" Astrid pleaded.

"Okay, 70% that is my final offer."

"60!" Astrid smirked.

"I'll try." He promised.

"Good." She nodded. He pulled her close and grabbed her hand, kissing over the bandaid covered wound.

She rolled her eyes playfully, chuckling at his dorky gesture. She grabbed his shirt and pulled their lips together like magnets.

"You know, now you mention it. I am getting a little tired." Astrid bit her lip to keep from smiling.

Hiccup glared at her and sighed.

"You want a piggy back don't you?" She nodded playfully. "Guess I asked for it." He spun around and scooped her up in his arms. She chuckled as he whizzed through the trees, making strange whooshing sounds as he ran before they bumped into Heather and the twins.

"Really?" Heather chuckled at the young couple. Hiccup attempted to place Astrid back down on earth but she held on tightly and refused to let go.

"Don't even think about it, Haddock!"

"When you guys are done playing horsey. We found a cave." Ruffnut explained, teasingly.

"Lead the way!" Hiccup suggested before darting off, making the same strange sounds as he ran.


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