Free Fall

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If you haven't checked out my new story 'When worlds collide' please go check it out.

Love this chapter x
Let me know what you think 💛

Requests are welcome x
Hope you enjoy :)


Painted in a hue of orange and blue, teamed up with the golden rays of the emerging sun, stood the sky inviting them to fly high.

The light danced through the gap in the shutters, illuminating the far wall of Hiccup's bedroom that was covered in the blueprints and sketches. His house, warmed by the morning sun, welcoming the young couple into the new day.

As his toes met the worn, oak floors, he stretched out his arms, feeling every muscle in his body awaken, relishing in the horribly great moment of the stretch before starting the long day ahead.

He headed downstairs where Astrid was already serving up breakfast.

"Good morning, Milady." He smiled as bright as the morning sun as she placed a bowl of soup on the table. Hiccup sat down and began to tuck into the delicious breakfast.

"Morning, Chief." She placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before joining him at the table.

"So, another long day of chiefing ahead huh?" She asked.

"It's never-ending." He sighed.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" The blonde offered as she began to clear away the breakfast

"Could you take Toothless for a flight today? He could do with some air time."

"Of course. Hear that, Bud? " Astrid strolled over to a basket in the corner of the room and carried it towards Toothless and Stormfly. She kicked it open and the dragon's dove straight into the pile of fish.

"Toothless, Share!" Hiccup commanded as the Night Fury hissed at his Nadder friend. The dark dragon rolled his eyes but soon backed down.

"If I don't see you at lunch, I'll see you tonight." Hiccup returned his attention to his beautiful girlfriend.

"And dinner will be right here waiting for you." She informed before tugging his shirt and kissing him softly.

He could feel her lips press firmly against his. She hummed against his skin, the vibration drawing him in, desperate for more. Of course, all good things had to end and their lips needed to give way to breathe. That didn't mean they couldn't stay close to each other though! He could feel the warm breath escape her lips onto his own and he was sure she could feel the same.


Astrid was finally getting the hang of Toothless's new tail. It's much trickier than she thought it would be, especially the higher up she went. A strong current was pushing her to the right, and the cold air was biting at her face, but she managed to hold her general direction. In front of her, the first rays of sunlight were shining up through the clouds, giving off a warm shine and changing the colors around her to mark the new day in a beautiful transformation. Just as she gained a sense of ease and control, the current changed, throwing her to the left and sending her tumbling into the clouds. It was moist and cold and everything was spinning.

She regained control and continued soaring through the clouds, high above the Isle of Berk, with Stormfly by her side. She had flown with Toothless many times before, while it wasn't quite the same as flying with Stormfly, she enjoyed her bonding time with her boyfriend's dragon.

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