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"Stormfly?" Astrid called as she and Hiccup trudged through the thick blanket of snow on a foreign island. "Where is she?"

"We'll find her, Astrid." Hiccup assured as he removed the burnt remains of Toothless's tail fin. "But, it looks like Toothless is grounded, we'll have to search on foot."

"You didn't bring a s-spare?" She wondered.

"That was the spare." He informed as he made his way over to the blonde, throwing his arms around her to keep her warm. "Let's just focus on finding Stormfly." The blonde nodded in agreement.


They searched and searched long into the night until Astrid's frozen legs couldn't hold her up any longer.

"There's a cave. Maybe we should rest for the night. Gather our strength." Hiccup suggested.

"No, w-we have to k-keep looking." Astrid insisted. She fell into Hiccup's side. He caught her before she fell to the ground and wrapped her arm around his neck to hold her up.

"Astrid, you're exhausted. If we don't get to shelter soon, your gonna freeze to death." Hiccup explained.

"I h-have to find her."

"And we will." He reassured. "She's a smart dragon. She's probably hiding in a cave, sheltering from the storm. And I'm sure she would want you to do the same."

Astrid nodded in agreement. Hiccup scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the cave.

"Give us some light, Bud." Toothless shot a blast at a dry patch on the ground, lighting is up to provide light and warmth.

Hiccup sat with Astrid in his lap, snaking his arms around her in an attempt to calm her violent shaking.

"H-Hiccup..." Astrid shivered.


"What if we don't..."

"We'll find her." He interrupted. "I promise.

"We should k-keep looking." She said attempting to stand up. Hiccup pulled her back.

"Astrid, that storm is gonna start picking up any minute, your lips and fingers are blue already. Just stay by the fire, please." He suggested. "I'll go and keep looking." He got up to leave.

"I'm coming with you." She insisted, stumbling on her feet.

"Toothless, if you please." The night fury jumped in the blonde's path, preventing her from leaving. Not that she was getting very far. Toothless nudged the young girl with his nose, causing her to fall back to the ground.

"S-so not fair, Hiccup!"

"You can yell at me later." He offered before leaving to search for the Nadder.


After what seemed like an eternity, Hiccup returned on the back of his girlfriend's dragon.

"Astrid?" Hiccup called as the blonde was nowhere in sight.

Toothless lifted his wing to reveal the blonde shaking uncontrollably in his embrace.

"Astrid?!" Hiccup bolted to her side and scooped her into his arms.

"What t-took you so long?" She asked as her arms snaked around him.

"I'm here now. It's okay." He reassured, rubbing her bare arms in an attempt to warm her.

"Stormfly!" Astrid cheered as the Nadder wrapped herself around the two.

Astrid's fist met Hiccup's bicep. Thankfully she wasn't at her full strength.

"That's for leaving me here." She grasped his tunic and crashed their lips together. "That's for..."

"Everything else." He finished for her.

She punched him again.

"And that's for stealing my line."

With both dragons sheltering them from the wind and the mix of Night Fury and Nadder fire —the hottest fire in the dragon world— they soon warmed up and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning they fixed up Toothless's tail and headed back to Dragon's Edge.

"I know I shouldn't have to say this but..."

"If I tell anyone that you were all weak and shaky you'll send me to Valhalla. I know the drill." He chuckled.

She flew her dragon dangerously close to punch him on the arm.

"Ah! Will, you quit punching me?!" He gasped.

"You know you love it," Astrid smirked.

"Yeah." He blushed.


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