Busted (Part 2)

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Part 2

Requests are welcome x

Hope you enjoy :)


"C-Cold." She shivered violently.

"Let's get you into bed." Hiccup suggested, leading her up the stairs to his loft. Astrid was too tired to protest. He led her to his bed and tucked her in before turning to leave. Astrid subconsciously grabbed his hand.

"Where are you g-going?" She almost whimpered.

"It's okay. I'm gonna take the chair. I'll be right downstairs." He explained, smiling down at her. She wasn't having any of it. She pulled him back with all her might, which wasn't a lot since she was exhausted and freezing, her fingers were numb.

"Stay..." She whispered apprehensively.

"Astrid I..." He hesitated. "I really don't think..."

"Please..." Astrid pleaded, pouting in the cutest way possible. Hiccup couldn't resist. He let out a gentle sigh and nodded. He threw off his soaked leather armor and tunic and tucked himself in beside her. Astrid shivered once more, pulling the fur blanket up to her neck.

"Come here." Hiccup instinctively wrapped his arms around the quivering blonde, pulling her closer. She rested her head on his chest and draped her arm across his bare stomach.

"How are you so warm?!" She gasped as the heat radiated from Hiccup's body. She drew in the warmth as if it were essential for her survival. Hiccup just chuckled and began stroking her free-flowing hair until she fell asleep.


Astrid began to stir, waking up in Hiccup's arms. He was already awake. She opened her eyes, remembering that she was still wrapped around Hiccup's waist. She smiled contently, not realizing Hiccup was smiling down at her. She had spent the night in Hiccup's hut. In his bed. In his tunic. And he had been holding her close, all night long. He gently began stroking her hair.

"Good morning, Sleepyhead." He whispered. Astrid's head shot up to look at him. He shot her a goofy lopsided smile. She chuckled. She loved his goofy grin almost as much as his forest-green eyes and his adorable freckles.

She gently swept her bangs away from her face before realizing her hair wasn't in its braid. She had completely forgotten she had let it down.

"Oh, perfect." She chuckled, knowing her hair probably looked like an absolute mess. Not as messy as Hiccup's, but messy. She slowly wriggled out of Hiccup's arms before being pulled back.

"Where do you think you're going?" Hiccup smiled.

"To fix my hair." Astrid giggled.

"Why?" He questioned as he continued running his fingers through the silky golden locks, that were now glistening in the morning sun.

"Cause I look like a total mess." She stated. She got lost in his eyes for a brief moment. Hiccup slowly leaned in, resting their foreheads together.

"You have never looked more beautiful." He whispered. Astrid bit her lip playfully before crashing their lips together like magnets. Hiccup was taken back for a second before finally reciprocating. His hand gently cupped her cheek, pulling her up towards him, only deepening the kiss.

*Cough Cough*

"Just friends huh, Astrid?"

Hiccup jumped back while Astrid just closed her eyes and bit her lip, knowing that Heather had just caught her kissing Hiccup.

"How long have you been standing there?" The blonde asked, finally turning to face the raven-haired rider. Hiccup let out a small whimper of protest as Astrid sat up, no longer leaning into his embrace. Heather giggled at her flustered friends, both an equal shade of pink.

"Long enough, girl. Long enough."

"Heather, is there any particular reason you're here?" Hiccup asked, slightly agitated.

"You weren't at breakfast." She explained. "Fishlegs wanted to talk to you. But, I can just tell him you're busy." She wiggled her eyebrows at Astrid.

"We weren't doing anything!" Astrid said a little too defensively.

"Sure you weren't." Heather tried so hard to hide her smile but failed miserably. "You were just wrapped around Hiccup, in his bed, barely clothed, making out." The teens both blushed profusely. They looked towards each other and giggled before looking away, nervously. "Oh, you are so busted, Sister!" Heather teased.

Astrid grabbed a cushion from behind her and tossed it at her friend. Heather threw her hands up in surrender before turning to leave.

"Okay, Okay. Just don't take too long guys. There's work to do." Heather teased.

"Just go already!" Astrid cut in.

After Heather left, Hiccup attempted to stand up from the bed. Astrid pulled him back, locking their lips together.

"What was that about?" Hiccup wondered. Not that he was complaining.

"I wasn't finished." Astrid pouted innocently. The teens got dressed in silence. Astrid's clothes had dried by the fire overnight. When both were back into their day clothes, Hiccup seized Astrid by the waist and drew her close, earning a little surprised squeak.

"So, just friends huh, Milady?" Hiccup teased.

"That depends." She kissed him softly.

"You're waiting for me to ask you out, aren't you?" He questioned. She nodded, folding her arms and smiling up at him. He let out a playful sigh, rolling his eyes. "Astrid Hofferson, will you be my girlfriend?"

She leaned in and hummed against his lips.

"Hmm, I'll think about it."


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