Paper Cut

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Thank you to astridvh for this request. This was actually a lot of fun to write.

Requests are welcome x
Hope you enjoy :)


"Good morning, Milady." Hiccup smiled as Astrid sauntered into the clubhouse.

No response. Hiccup looked up from the paperwork, that covered the table, to see a frown on his girlfriend's face.

"What did I do this time?" Hiccup asked, knowing she only gave him that look when she was mad at him.

"You left!" Astrid scowled. "I woke up cold!"

Hiccup chuckled. "I'm sorry." He apologized, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her close.

"Well, I'm not cold anymore!" She pushed him away desperately trying to hide the smile on her face. Too late. He saw it.

"Oh, so you're just trying to make me feel bad, huh?" He teased as he began tickling her mercilessly to the ground.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry." She admitted. Hiccup finally ceased. "But if you leave me again, I will hurt you." She warned as he offered her a hand off the ground.


"What are you doing up so early anyway?" She yawned as Hiccup returned his attention to his Dragon eye notes.

"Well, since we no longer have the Dragon eye, these notes are all we have." He explained. So I'm looking for a clue. Anything that might lead us to the remaining lenses. If we can get to them before Johann does then we can at least buy some time to get the dragon eye back."

"So you want to find the lenses before they do, so they have no way of finding the king of dragons?" She double checked she understood his logic.


"Then maybe we should all help." Fishlegs volunteered as he and the other riders overheard.


After breakfast the riders all began searching through the many, many, many Dragon Eye notes.

Snotlout was just passing the notes to Fishlegs. The twins were screwing the papers up and throwing them at each other, then Heather and Astrid were picking them up to read them.

"There has to be something. Anything!" Hiccup stated.

"I'm sure we'll find something, Hiccup. We just have to keep looking." Fishlegs reassured.

After an hour of searching through Hiccup's notes, they moved on to Fishlegs' notes. Each rider was now completely surrounded by papers that covered the majority of the clubhouse floor.

"AH!" Astrid gasped, dropping the few pieces of paper she held in her hand.

"Astrid?! Are you okay?" Hiccup panicked, rushing to her side.

"Relax. It's just a paper cut." She chuckled. Hiccup grabbed her hand to see the small cut across her index finger.

"Relax? Astrid, you're bleeding." He stated.

"Yeah, barely..." Hiccup smirked, scooping her off the floor, and carrying her to the table in the center of the clubhouse.

"HICCUP! PUT ME DOWN!" Astrid shouted, pushing against his shoulders in an attempt to escape his clutches. He sat her on the table, straddling her legs so she couldn't escape, though it didn't stop her trying.

"Heather..." Hiccup called to the raven-haired rider behind him.

"On it!" She raced out of the clubhouse only to return a few moments later to find Astrid still trying to escape. She placed a crate in the table beside the struggling blonde.

"Ruff! Tuff!" Hiccup called. The twins sprung into action. Tuffnut grabbed Astrid's arm and pinned it behind her back, while Ruffnut held her by the shoulders.

When it came to Astrid being injured, no matter how severe, Hiccup didn't mess around. There were protocols in place.

Everyone knew their roles; Heather and Fishlegs gather supplies. Ruff and Tuff keep her restrained, and Heather helps if Astrid is feeling extra feisty that day. Snotlout was to stay out of the way at all costs.

"Hiccup! This is ridiculous!" Astrid scowled. "It's just a paper cut!"

"But, if you don't let me cover it, it can get infected." He warned.

"I highly doubt it." She said.

"Well, I'm not taking any chances!" He declared. He applied a bandaid to her wounded finger. "There..." He placed a gentle kiss over the bandaid. "All better."

"Great! Now get these Muttonheads off me!" Astrid demanded.

"Guys..." Hiccup gestured. Heather and the twins took a deep breath before letting go and jumping back, out of her reach.

"I'm not gonna hit anyone!" The blonde reassured as she returned to the notes she was working on.
She turned around to see Hiccup smirking. He yelped as her fist collided with his arm. "Except you."


"I think I found something." Heather stated, handing him a piece of paper. He studied it for a moment before turning to Heather.

"Heather, you're a genius!" He lifted her off the ground and spun her around. "Guys, saddle up! We're going on a little field trip."


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