The fatefull meeting

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Nezu POV:

After walking a different route for 2 weeks, I saw a boy with green hair sitting on the same bench every time I pass the park. While walking past him I could always smell the scent of blood. My sensitive dog nose could pick that kind of stuff up rather quick. He didn't looked hurt visibly but I was sure he was.

So this time I went to the park sitting at that exact same spot where the little greenette was sitting and waited for him there. Something on the greenette had caught my interest and what is more he was not only intriguing but my animal instincts where telling me to protect him. It was the first time I felt this way.

I was 30 minutes early and I had some food with me just in case my worst assumption was right. The last time I walked past him, I caught a glimpse of his clothing and it looked like they were too big for him, which was weird since they were the typical size for a 14 year old boy.

As I thought...

He came to my side and sat on the other side of the same bench.

Me: It's a nice evening isn't it?

Boy: Depends.


What an interesting answer.

I wonder where this will be going.

Me: What do you mean?

Boy: The evening itself can't be bad or good it depends on what the person experienced before and how he feels. Plus it also depends on the persons liking for the weather, so it depends.

Oh. That is quite interesting and thoughtful.

Me: So how is the evening for you then?

Boy: Relatively good.

Relative to what? Your previous question was not what I expect but I can see the intellect behind it. So I am curious. What does your answer mean?

Me: I am sorry if I am bothering you but would you mind explaining your answer a little bit more?

Boy: I am sure you can figure it out yourself. You are Nezu, the principal of UA and the most intelligent being on earth after all.

Me: I am impressed that you know me.

Boy: Why wouldn't I?

Me: Not a lot of kids in your age know me. Tell me what do you think about me?

Boy: To be honest you are one of my favorite heroes.

That's quite unexpecting!

Me: One of your favorites you say. Who are the others?

I bet All Might the symbol of peace will be your most favorite one.

Boy: To be honest I only have two favorites. Eraserhead is the other one. I like how he fights basically quirkless and only uses his skills and wits to end a fight rather quick. On top of that the collateral damage he does is nearly none existence.

Me: I see.

Boy: To get back at your first question. I think you are a splendid person and you deserve to be treated as one and not as an animal. Society doesn't give you enough respect but thinking about it society it is pretty messed up anyways.

I then heard the kids stomach growl. He was clearly embarrassed because of it and tried to hide his face.

Me: I have some sandwiches. Do you want some? I unintentionally made too many for me. It would be a waste if I needed to throw them away.

Boy: Unintentionally you say, but something tells me that me meeting you here is not a coincidence and neither are the sandwiches.

Me: Sharp are we?

Boy: Not really. I just saw you walking this route every day the past couple of days and knowing your quirk. It is not very hard to connect the dots.

I took out the sandwiches and offered him one. The boy took one of them happily and began eating it.

Now seeing the boy up close I was sure that he was underweight. It was clear to me that something was wrong in his personal home life. The question that was bothering me was:

Do you have a villainous quirk or a weak quirk? Perhapse you are even quirkless?

Most of the reasons a kid would be mistreated was because of their quirk or none existence of a quirk. Even if the chance of this boy not having any quirk was pretty low, there was still this 1% chance that he was quirkless.

The question that was so desperate to escape my mouth was something I didn't wanted to ask him when we just began talking for the first time

Boy: Would it be alright if I call you Nezu, Sir?

Me: May of course! However, you clearly have the advantage here. You know more about me than I do about you.

Boy: My name is Izuku Midoriya. Please call me Izuku since you don't have a family name and it sounds weird you calling me by mine whereas I can't call you by yours.

Me: All right, Izuku.

Izuku: The real question you want to ask me is my quirk right?

Me: Yes....

Izuku: How about you make a guess?

Me: If I need to I would say you have some kind of analyzes quirk.

Izuku: How did you come up with that?

Me: You see you have a sharp mind and you clearly are also focusing on the small details of life or else you wouldn't have recognized me waking this path everyday. Besides that the way you talked about Eraserhead was a dead giveaway. No one knows how he fights or that he even existed and here you are knowing that how his fighting technique looks like. This tells me that you must have seen him once before.

Izuku: You are not entirely right.

Me: Oh?! Where was I wrong?

Izuku: I don't have an analyzes quirk. I do this as a hobby.

How can this be your hobby kid?!

Children in your age don't do that.

Me: Is that so?

Izuku: Yeah...

Me: Well than, what is your quirk?

Izuku: You see... ahm... I am quirkless.


From all the chances out there and all the people I had a kid that was in the 1% of the world population sitting right in front of me.

Me: I see.

He looked like he was expecting me to scold him even beat him. I was getting genuinely concerned about this little green bean with a brilliant mid.

Me: *Sigh* I unfortunately need to head home but would you like to meet up again tomorrow and maybe play a game of chess with me while we are at it?

Izuku: Are you sure, I am not bothering you?

I knew that quirkless people had it a lot harder than animals with a quirk. That meant a lot. Meaning he was treated even worse than how I was. Quirkless means Useless that's what society teaches their children's. They were seen as the bottom line of the food chain.

Me: Nonsense! I would love to have a brilliant opponent and something tells me that you will be quite the challenge!

Izuku: Than, I would love to!

With that we each said our goodbyes and head home. I was sure to take some sandwiches tomorrow too and get more information out of him. I would have loved staying there with him more but I needed to get the paper done I had with me. There were to many question that were still open, like why did he smell like blood or how he was treated at home or what was he planning on doing after this school year.

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