I won the bet!

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Dabi: How long does a freaking conference take?

Me: I don't know.

Dabi: Do you know where it is taken place?

Me: No but we can find out.

Dabi: What do you mean?

Me: Let me show you!

My laptop was still on the table and so I took, turned it on and began hacking into the Ua's system. 3 minutes later we could see every single camera feedback from the CCTV's.

Dabi: Did you just.... hack into UA?

Me: Yep.

Dabi: You would be one frightened villain.

Me: I know.

Dabi: I am happy you are not one.

Me: Never was interested in being one.

Dabi: Says the one who wants world domination.

Me: I want a better world where all of us can live happy and be equal. What's so wrong about that? Besides they are.

Dabi: That's just down the hall and a floor above us.

Me: Why did you even wanted to know where they are?

Dabi: Ohh Izu. Sometimes you are soo smart but How the fuck didn't you figure this one out already?

Me: You wanna scare them or surprise visit them?

Dabi: First one.

Me: Okay.

Dabi: No, not okay! You say something on the line of let's go! Where is your enthusiasm?

Me: Obviously not there!

Dabi took me by my arm and began pulling me towards out destination-

Me: What now?

Dabi: I don't know. Don't you have some plan?

Me: You were the one wanting to scare them!

Dabi: Ohh right. Well we could just barge in.

Me: Aha.

Dabi: You fucking got a better plan?

Me: Why don't we go in via the vent system.

Dabi: Do I look like a rat to you?

Me: No but no one would expect us to do that and you could also have your fun in playing a ghost.

Dabi: I am in! Where is the goddamn entrance?

I showed him the entrance and went in first since I had a rough plan on how to get into that room. It was not simply just follow that one way and you will get into the room, no, Nezu made a lot of ways leading to dead ends to ensure anyone trying to get in via the vent system would get lost.

However, I didn't think about the weight limit of these vent system and so the moment we were above their table, the floor below us broke and we crashed into the room by landing on the table.

Me: Ouch!

Dabi: Ouch!

Me: Dabi, you're heavy! Get off me!

Dabi: Oh sorry!

Aizawa: *Sigh*

Every teacher jumped out of their chair and some chairs fell even down to the ground. They all looked shocked at us all but Nezu. He was holding his cup of tea and laughing like a maniac.

World Domination at its finest!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt