Game over!

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3rd POV:

While Izuku was busy with his school life and getting a new brother he was also gathering all the information he would need to get Endeavor into jail. Not only would Izuku bring the man into jail but it would be the worst and top secure jail there was. Tartarus was a place where villains go and never see the sun light in their entire life again.

While Izuku and Nezu were already planning stage three of their world domination and their final step, AfO made all the necessary preparations to get into the hero commission headquarters.

His plan was easy. He developed 13 nomus and Shigaraki was about to go with them into the hero commissions headquarter and get out one by one. Simple as this sound it was actual not a bad idea considering that there was no real number one there anymore that was a threat to them.

He was sure that a nomu that was made in order to destroy All Might was no match against Hawks or any other hero. With that in mind, AfO Set up 13 of his most dangerous and vicious creatures that were no longer completely mindless. They were in a sense still loyal puppies as they wait for any command to be given. However, one of these beasts when set free will no longer be mindless but driven by his own instincts to kill.

On the day of the attack, Shigaraki and Kurogiri were watching the people the first thing in the morning enter the building. Needless to say that Shigaraki and Kurogiri were staying in the darkness of an alley.

Once they made sure that everything was okay and their targets have entered the building, it was time to set the monsters lose.

Shigaraki: Get them to out to play.

Kurogiri: Yes.

It was such a simple command. Just with a couple of words, Kurogiri opened up a portal and let 13 nomus walk through his portal. However, that was not all. These were only the main attack force. AfO had only planned the attack of the Hero commission not the distraction for them. This was a task given to Shigaraki. The guy made sure to get every single low level criminal and attack every single bank, shop, mall and even post office at the same time. This was all to make sure that the heroes would be occupied while he would be destroying the hero commission.

For the first time in his life he was so happy and eager to end a level and get to the next one. Once he heard what Izuku was planning, he couldn't help but be happy to have meet the little green bean. Shigaraki wanted nothing more than a world where everyone gets what their deserve and not be judged by their quirk. This was what he wanted. This was what his mother ever wanted.

This was also the reason why he was so happy about the attack.

Shigaraki: Let's go!

The villain went into the hero commission headquarters as if he owned the whole building.


He walked in until he was in the middle of the building. However, since he entered the building on his own with Kurogiri by his side. The nomus were all waiting outside for their command.

This was the reason why the security personal immediately grabbed their guns and pointed them at Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

Shigaraki: ATTACK!

Just like that the 13 monsters dashed through the bullet proof glass, breaking it in the process.


They were hunters and the 13 of them were on pack. The way the nomus hunt were similar to velociraptors. They were all deadly on their own but in a pack they were invincible.

The monsters smashed and broke the glass down that was between them and their victims. Once it was down, they began to run at each and every person and began killing one after another. It was a massacre on its own, one of a whole other caliber then any villain would be capable of doing.

While Shigaraki's pets were busy eliminated every living being they came across, he went on to meet the hero commissions leader. He wanted to make sure they knew why there were eliminated before they die.

Shigaraki: To the weak leaders!

Kurgiri knew what he had to do and opened a portal to them. Thanks to Izuku they knew the whole blueprint of the building. The green bean was so kind as to give them the blueprint or more like send Stain to bring them the blue print. It was because of this that Kurogiri knew where to make a portal to lead to.

Once the went through they were immediately met with 4 rather old people and 4 younger once.

Shigaraki: You all have failed to win this game! It's game over for you lot!

???: What do you want?

???: We can give you money if that is what you are after!

???: Leave now and we guarantee your safety.

???: How about 1 million!

???: Make it ten million!

???: No a hundred million!

It was not hard to guess that Shigaraki got angry once he heard their responses. They even went on as to tell him sums and sums of money. However, all Shigaraki did was went to the guy, use his quirk and pulverize them.

None of the people fought him. They instead just began backing away but there was no running away from him. One by one, they all vanished into thin air.

Shigaraki: HAHAHAHAHAHA they really thought they could buy me! How pathetic!

Kurogiri: It's time!

Indeed it was time for them to go.

Shigaraki: Did you get them?

Kurogiri: Already placed them all in position while you handled them.

Shigaraki: Then let's go.

Kurgiri quickly opened a portal for them to go through and they were teleported to a safe distance.

Shigaraki: Get the nomus back! We do not want to lose any one of them.

Kurogiri: I understand.

It took only a couple of seconds for Kurogiri to go and teleport every Nomu back to the lab before returning back to Shigaraki's side.

Kurogiri: Everything is done.

The mist like guy then handed over a remote to handy man.

Shigaraki: Let's show them one firework they won't forget.

The remote had only one big red button and the moment Shigaraki pressed it the whole hero commissions building exploded. No one could have survived that fire. The building even went down too. It was a 9 story building and it went down in seconds only leaving pieces of the once beautiful designed building.

Shigaraki: Game over for them! We win!

This was how they came out victorious and how no one knew about the nomus. They were only creatures that the dead has ever seen. Only their ally's knew about them and that was the whole plan of AfO.

Since they were now an organization serving Izuku, they were also operating in the shadows leaving no evidence of their beings.

World Domination at its finest!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt