Right on Point!

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It was currently the last class for Vlad's class and they had hero training. Since I was not allowed to participate in it and I also didn't feel like risking my life or get injured again, I just stayed out of their way and analyzed them. However, no one ever said that I was not allowed to help my brother. So I told him the weakness of each class member so that he would win each fight.

Only 15 minutes after I told Dabi all their weaknesses I was called to go to Nezu. This was also where I was currently heading with Anubis on my shoulder.

Me: I wonder what he wants from me..

Once I was in front of the principals door, I knocked and was immediately let inside. Not only that but there was already tea and some biscuits on the table for me too.

Nezu: Take them. I asked Lunch Rush to make some for you and the tea is my favorite so I hope you like it. Don't worry I put some honey inside to make it a little bit sweeter for you.

Me: Thanks.

Nezu: Now come on, don't be shy and sit down.

I was not really share as more like surprised. Something told me that he wanted to tell me something and getting treated this way right from the start only leaves me more suspicious. The only question was if it was something good or something bad. I couldn't tell. But judging from his high spirit I would say it would be something good.

Me: How about we don't beat around the bush and immediately start talking.

Nezu: Why do you think I had something to say to you?

Me: You prepared some sweets and a couple of tea if that isn't baiting then I do not what is.

Nezu: I see. Well it is true that I wanted to talk to you about a couple of things.

Anubis was happily eating one of the crackers on the table. I was sure that Nezu also took him into consideration and hence prepared the crackers for him.

Me: Okay.

Nezu: Great. Then first of I heard what happened in school and I want to tell you that you are now my personall student and nothing can change my mind. So from tomorrow onward I will be your teacher and I will teach you everything you need to know. Naturally I will also prepare you for the entrance exam even if you do not need to take it. However, knowing that great minds think alike I am sure you are up to the challenge and would even love to take it. Am I wrong there?

Me: No, not really. Though I need to say I am really curious about an exam that was made personally by you.

Nezu: I suspected that much. Now onto the next part.

Me: Can I take a guess?

Nezu: Of course, be my guest.

Me: I suspect you wanted to talk with me about the other part of the exam since it won't be only a written exam and my stamina isn't the best, not even speaking from my physical condition or my inability to fight.

Nezu: You hit the nail on point there. Go on. I want to hear what you think I would do.

Me: If I were you I would let someone teach me and since you already have enough teacher I suspect that you will let one of them teach me. Then again I am sure Aizawa wouldn't let this chance pass him. He fights after all nearly quirkless and would be the perfect fit to train me since I do not possess any to begin with. I am also sure that Dabi will be also teaching me some dirty tricks to manage to win a fight.

Nezu: How interesting.

I saw his eyes sparkle and I knew I was on point again. Not only that but I also had the feeling that he was watching me with more curiosity than ever. It was as if I was just a jigsaw puzzle that he wanted to solve very quickly but was not able to put the pieces together.

Me: Judging by your look I am right again.

Nezu: Yes, you are. Aizawa will be your new personal trainer. You will be having 1-2 lessons a day with him in order to build up some stamina.

Me: Then let's move on to the real topic here.

Nezu: HOHO! You really managed to see through me. How very intriguing!

Me: It's not that hard to know that this was not the real thing you wanted to talk about.

Nezu: Do you wanna take a guess too?

Me: I might.

Nezu: Then go ahead.

Me: Since you just told me that I will be your personal student I believe that you already have taken care of my old school Aldera Junior High. Which leaved me just one thing. I do remember the day you guys saved me from falling to my death and since we were also once talking about the society I would say you want to take it down bit by bit and then shape it to a better one. Am I wrong?

I took a sip of the tea and it was very delicious. Once I put the cup down I saw Nezu smile from ear to ear. Again I was spot on.

Nezu: I knew I had a brilliant mind in front of me but I never imagined you to be that observant.

Me: It is not that hard to figure that much out.

Nezu: Oh it is for normal mortals.

Me: Well then since I hate the current society as much as you, I suppose you want to either take over only the society, Japan or the World if you are already at it.

Nezu: You make me happier with each passing moment.

Me: The world it is then. For that we would need to do a couple of things. It will be a lot of work but it is not un-conquerable.

Nezu: My thoughts exactly.

Me: However, I see one big problem with that.

Nezu: And that would be?

Me: People might start seeing us as villains if we are not careful.

Nezu: Ohh don't worry about that. We will define the new normal. Since you already guess what I wanted to talk about, I want to know your opinion on it.

Me: I think it is time for the world to face a chimera.

Nezu: hahaha. Is that soo. Then I assume you are all right with that and you would even participate in it.

Me: Of course. I want to see where this is going. We both know that the world is stuck in old believes. They need to change and someone needs to be the first one brining these changes.

Nezu: I totally agree. Well then let's plan our first move shall we?

Me: With pleasure!

I took a biscuit and we immediately began talking about all the possibility that we had. One was clear we needed to be careful or otherwise we would end up either being the villains who destroyed the whole world. On the other hand, we could also go into history as the ones bringing new hope to a long lost world.

Needless to say that I loved the idea and so time past by and we managed to come up without first plan. It was necessary after all. How will someone bring Hope if there is still hope left in the world. Let them face the darkness and give them light. People will fly towards the light as if they were some insects.

This was only the start but I could already tell that from today onwards everything will change towards the better and I was eager to see where it was taking us. 

World Domination at its finest!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt