Finding out All Might's quirk

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I spent the night in my room together with Anubis. It was hard to fall asleep. My thoughts were circling around my head. The world how I knew it was way to old fashioned. People were stuck in their old believes and I knew that it was wrong. I was definitely in the right.

Dabi had his room right next to me to the left and to the right was the masters bedroom of my parents.

In the end I stayed up the whole night expect for the last 3 hours and I also woke up way to early. Anubis was sleeping close to me and woke up the moment, I got out of the bed.

Anubis: *confused ferret noises*

Me: I can't sleep. I'll get myself a glass of water.

He nodded to me and jumped off the bed. I went out of my room and got my water while Anubis was coming along. My ferret never left me alone after what happened with Bakugo. Once I was back in my room, I sat on my bed instead of going back to sleep. It was around 4 a.m. and I needed to be up at 7 a.m..

Anubis: * questioning ferret noises*

Me: Is it so wrong to change the world?

He just looked at me before snuggling to my side and under my hand.

Me: I suffered enough through all my life. I just.... I just want the world do be more acceptable. Is that wrong?

I looked at him and began playing with him too.

Me: I wish I could understand you.

It was fun playing with Anubis and this was also how I managed to forgot about all my worries, thoughts and time until Dabi came into my room and found me laughing and playing with Anubis.

Dabi: How long were you awake for?

Me: Since 4 a.m..

Dabi: Izu?! You should have gone back to sleep.

Me: I couldn't.

Dabi: Mic is calling us down for breakfast.

Once we went together towards our dinner table, I saw all the animals already eating their food and went there to put Anubis down. After that I went on my seat.

Mic: Morning!

Aizawa: Morning kid.

Me: Morning.

Dabi: So what's for breakfast this time?

Mic: Cereal.

Aizawa: Mic tried to do French Toast but burned the hole bread so this is all we have for now.

Mic: Things happen.

Aizawa: All the time with you.

Dabi: Pffff.

Me: I can make breakfast the next time.

Aizawa: Appreciate it.

Dabi: You can?

Mic: NOPE! I am not letting my son cook for us.

Aizawa: To bad but we can't have you cook for us.

Me: It's okay but I still wanna do it sometimes. Let me at least bake some cake.

Dabi: You can bake?

Me: Yeah, I needed to make the food for my mother all the time.

Dabi: Oh. Sorry I was asking.

Me: Why. It's not your fault I had her as a mother or anything.

Dabi: I would love to taste some of your cake sometimes.

Me: Can I make some cake after I get home?

Aizawa: Sure.

Mic: Only if you show me how you do it.

Me: Sure.

After that we eat our breakfast and went to UA. Once there I went to Nezu's office since he was actually the one that would teach me. However, this time we would not talk about anything but our plan.

Nezu: For today I have a couple of things prepared.

Me: Can I get a laptop?

Nezu: Yes of course! I especially prepared this one for you!

I saw him jumping down his seat and then pulling out a brand new laptop and went to my side. Me and Anubis were sitting on the couch. Anubis was again enjoying some crackers while I was getting a new laptop, turning it up and immediately start hacking into the police account and the national account as well as the hero commission.

Nezu was also very interested what I was doing and so he sat beside me the moment I accepted the laptop. It didn't take me long at all to hack into the systems. It was only about 15 minutes until I was finished.

Nezu: Impressive work there.

Me: thanks.

Nezu: Wanna tell me why you did that?

Me: I don't need to tell you why. You already know.

Nezu: So I will take my guess here. I saw you pulling up any information you could get on All Might inclusive medical report. It looks like you are searching for something. Are you perhaps trying to find out the specifics of his quirk nature? However, by the looks of it you are also pulling up all the police reports of all his fights.

Me: You are parctially correct. I know about his quirk and after the last big fight he is showing less and less in public. This is something I was theorizing for quite the bit. I think his body has weakened and can't stand his quirk anymore. His quirk has also the same attitude like Nana Shimura. Knowing that he was known as her protégée and that she took him under her wing and thought him everything about heroism, I say his quirk was given to him and passable instead of born.

Nezu: That is quite the wild assumption you have there.

Me: But it is not wrong though, is it?

Nezu: No, it is not. His quirk is called One for All. It is given to another person via his DNA and the quirk needs to accept you or it might kill the person.

Me: I see.

Nezu: Now with that knowledge what do you propose we do.

Me: We already had a plan and I say we stick to that. I just wanted to make sure that it would be pretty easy.

Nezu: It will.

Me: You know the entrance to the underworld?

Nezu: You do not think of going there yourself, do you?

Me: Not quite.

Nezu: I already prepared someone that could get the information out for us.

Me: Why not a drone?

Nezu: A drone. . . They might track it back to UA. We use after all only the best materials.

Me: I wasn't thinking on letting someone build it.

Nezu: Oh so you know how to build one yourself.

Me: I can get us one out of trash material that are thrown at Dagobah beach.

Nezu: Should we head out then?

Me: You know, you don't have to come with me.

Nezu: No but I want to see how you intend to build something out of junk.

Me: How about we make a bet then?

Nezu: A bet?

Me: Yes. If I manage to make a high grade drone out of junk that I find and that works close to a drone made by Power Loader, I will be allowed to teach one class of my choice for a day.

Nezu: All right. If I win, you will be spending a whole day 24 hours with me.

Me: Deal!

Nezu: Deal!

Me: So should be head out then?

Nezu: Of course!

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