A normal school day

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I was laying on my desk while everyone was coming into the classroom. I was the first person in the class for once. Normally I would be the last one since Bakugo would always get to me before school starts and beat me up to a pulp.

This time however there was no Bakugo or his minions around at all. For once I was happy about it. However I had this bad feeling that was increasing ever single minute.

Something is about to happen....

I knew that this was way to quiet!

This is not normal....

He should have been here a long time ago...

Why do I feel like I will not leave the school unharmed...

I heard them talking about me. It was nothing out of the normally until I heard someone slamming their fist on my desk and Anubis hissing at the person.

Ahhh there he is!

I was wondering when he would come to me....

It's not like he can live without me or tormenting me.

I looked up and stopped laying on the desk.

Bakugo: The fuck is that thing?

Me: That is not a thing and he has a name.

Bakugo: Did the mutt just talked?

It was still 10 minutes before classes actually began. Although it were only 10 minutes, I knew that Bakugo could do a lot of damage in these 10 minutes. I guess, this is what training his quirk on me on a daily basis does. He was already skilled enough and had a lot of experience in nearly killing a person in more than 101 ways.


And here I hopped that nothing would happen.

I at least can hope right?!

Nope, I guess not!

Not even praying would help me for sure.

He looked angry and that more than I have ever seen before. This was surely not good at all. Anubis was on my desk and hissing at him. It was a warning that he didn't even consider taking into account.

It took only seconds for Bakugo to grab me by my collar and pull me out of my seat.

Bakugo: Do you have anything to say now?

Me: ...

I was not that dumb to say anything to him. However, that did meant that Anubis would let that go so easily. The ferret came to me climbed towards my shoulder and onto his arm. The moment I felt the explosions around my neck, I also felt something cold. Out of instincts, I closed my eyes and waited it out. He was choking me and I knew that it wouldn't take long until I would lose conscious or him getting tired of me not fighting him or reacting in any way.


This made open my eyes and look at him. I saw my snow-white ferret attack Bakugo and I also saw ice covering the skin parts where Anubis is touching him.

Ice quirk?

Bakugo used his explosion on my little ferret but Anubis was way faster than Bakugo and so Bakugo went down to his knees in front of me. As if that was not enough, the bell rang and the teacher came in seeing my ferret attack Bakugo.

Teacher: MIDORIYA!


I looked up at the teacher and I immediately knew I was screwed. As if that was not enough, I saw Bakugo managing to grab Anubis in his hand, letting go some major explosions before throwing him to the next wall. The moment I saw him getting ready to toss Anubis, I anticipated where he would threw him and ran to the spot. Luckily, I was right and thanks to my quick reaction I caught Anubis.

Me (whispering): Are you okay?

The ferret was in my hands and looked at me before nodding his head. He looked so hurt and I could tell that it was hard for him to stay awake.

Me (whispering): Thank god.... You can rest now. I got cha, don't worry nothing will happen to you.

And with that my ferret rolled himself up into a fluffy ball and went unconscious.


The teacher than came to my side and was about to pull me rudely towards the principal's office. Not feeling like being dragged around, I simply looked at the teacher and went right passed him.

Me: I know my way thank you very much!

I probably shouldn't have said that because in the next moment, I felt someone grab my collar and throw me to the floor. Unfortunately, I was thrown towards the next student desk and went down. Not wanting my ferret to get any more hurt than he already was, I hold him towards my chest and did my best to shield him from the impact.

Teacher: What did you just say you mutt?!

Me: I am sorry.

Teacher: I thought so!

The teacher came to me and dragged me towards the principal's office. Once we were inside, I looked at the principal and he was back to being that jackass that he was.

I knew it!

He was only playing a role....

Well whatever, this is nothing new to me.

Principal: Why does it not surprise me that it is you again? Do you have anything to say in your defense?


I do!

How about it was not my fault!

How about it was Bakugo!


How about we talk about how the teacher just threw me against a desk.


How a fellow students was ready to kill me by using his quirk around my neck while also chocking me!

All Anubis did was defend me.

But it's not like you will listen to anything I say.

Principal: It looks like it was a mistake letting that thing into my school.

No... You know what a mistake was?

You allowing that angry Pomeranian and everyone else to group against me!

Principal: I think you are done for the day. I do not want to see that thing into my school ever again. You are also suspended from school for the next 2 week. I hope this will be a lesson for you. To make sure it was, you will be cleaning the whole school for the rest of the month after you come back.

With that, I was escorted out of the school and thrown right outside of it. They threw me very hard and once again, I shielded my ferret from the impact. Unfortunately, I got a scrap on my face because of the impact as well as some on my hands. I was bleeding slightly and I stung.

Me: Now what? I can't go to UA and bother them...

Not knowing what to do I began walking towards the closest park. I wanted to sit somewhere down and relax. Little did I know that I would was about to happen and that it was such a bad idea.

World Domination at its finest!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt