I adopted a new brother!

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I woke up and the moment I opened my eyes I found myself back in the infermary room of UA. Not only that but I had a feeling that me and this room especially this bed will be good friends in the future.

I looked up at the ceiling thinking why I was here to begin with all I could remember was that I was together with Dabi and then nothing.

Looks like the sludge did some damage to me too.

While I was thinking, I could feel someone nudging my cheek and leaning against it. Looking to the side, I could see my dear ferret looking at me very concerned.

Me: Hello Anubis.

He quickly climbed up to my chest and laid down looking at me. I immediately started petting him.

Me: I am glad to see you are okay.

Recovery Girl: And I am glad to see that you are okay too!

Me: Oh Recovery Girl.

Rercovery Girl: If I didn't told you already, then call me Chiyo please.

Me: Okay Chiyo.

Chiyo: So how are you feeling?

Me: Good.

Chiyo: Do you wanna tell me how you got injured?

Me: A sludge villain attacked me.

Chiyo: Only that.

Me: ...

Chiyo: You don't need to hide it from me. I saw the burn marks and I also saw Anubis's wounds these are not from just a sludge villain attack. Dabi also told us what happened and Anubis told Nezu wat happened to you in the school.

Me: I am sorry.

Chiyo: What I want to know is why you didn't came to UA immediately.

Me: I didn't want to bother you while you all were busy with your jobs.

Chiyo: Kid, Nezu would have loved the change of atmosphere with you here. Everyone would have loved it. Don't just assume things dearie.

Me: I am sorry.

I slowly took my ferret from my chest and began sitting up.

Chiyo: You must be hungry kid. Come on, let's go to the cafeteria. Oh and here are some change of clothes.

She gave me some UA trainings cloth and then ushered me towards the bathroom that was connected to the infirmary. Anubis was around my neck. Once I changed I came out and we both went to the cafeteria. It was pretty full and once again I was wondering how long I was out cold.

Me: Ahm, Chiyo?

Chiyo: Yes?

Me: How long did I sleep?

Chiyo: Oh just the night and the whole morning.

Me: What about school?

Chiyo: Oh you are not going back there dearie! Only over my dead body and Nezu's and your parent's and your new brothers.

Me: Brother?

Chiyo: Don't tell me you forgot, Izu?! You basically adopted Dabi into your family.

Me: Ohh right!

Chiyo: Speaking of the devil and he may appear.

I didn't get what she was talking about until I felt someone covering my eyes from behind.

???: Guess who?

That voice?!

Me: Dabi!

I immediately turned around and looked him into his eyes. He was wearing the UA uniform and he looked a lot happier now.

Me: What are you doing here?

Dabi: Oh I don't know... planning some pranks, murder and how to take over the school maybe?

Me: HAHAHAHA that sound more like Nezu than you.

Dabi: I agree but it's his school so it would be okay. I feel like I could get way with these things.

Chiyo No you wouldn't! Only Izu here would.

Me: Huh?

Dabi: Anyways how are you feeling little brother?

Me: Good.

Chiyo: You boys sit down and I will get you something. Is there something you want?

Me: Nah.

Chiyo: Okay.

With that, Chiyo left me and Dabi close to a free table. We both went to the table and sat down. Anubis immediately climbed sown my shoulder and began nuzzling himself into my hands that were on the table.

Dabi: He really likes you huh?

Me: Yep.

Dabi: Izu, I don't know what to say to you. I am overjoyed and happy for you to give me a second chance.

Me: You know you deserve it!

I looked at Anubis and began to slightly play with him, trying to distract myself. I knew that once Chiyo comes back that we would talk about me being thrown out of school for 2 weeks.

Me: I only wish I could have meet you sooner!

Chiyo then came with a bowl of cream soup and some snacks for Dabi and sat to us.

Chiyo: So, Izu, you still haven't told me why you were wondering outside yesterday.

Me: Fate?

Dabi: You know that this is a question and not an answer?

Me: Yes?

Chiyo: You don't need to be scared of us.

Me: I got suspended from school.

Chiyo: Oh dearie, we know this already but Nezu couldn't get why. No one wanted to tell him the reason for it.

Me: I didn't behave well.

Dabi: That is obviously a lie!

Me: ...

Dabi: Listen, whoever hurt you can hurt you know and no one of us will be angry at such a sweet cinnamon roll like you!

Chiyo: You know what? You don't have to tell us now but Aizawa will for sure pressure you until he finds out why you had all these wounds.

Me: I understand.

With that, I ate a little bit of my food and went with Dabi to his classroom. Chiyo told me that I was allowed to stay with him for the day and they decided to put Dabi in class 1B. It was Vlad Kings class as Aizawa already expelled every single one of his students. It was fun being in his class and I helped him with a couple of math problems and hero lessons quiz test questions. No one said I was not allowed to so I just did.

World Domination at its finest!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt