My family is growing!

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The moment I got home and entered my room through my window, I immediately froze because I could see Aizawa in my room sleeping with his back leaned against the door.

It only took me to try and close the window that I just entered and I woke him up.

Aizawa: What the heck do you think you were doing?

Me: Meeting a friend.

Aizawa: In the middle of the night?

Me: Yes. He is a night owl like you.

Aizawa: Who where you meeting?

Me: Stain.

Aizawa: Stain?

Me: Yes, Stain.

Aizawa: Stain as in the hero killer Stain?

Me: Yes, that Stain exactly.

Aizawa: *Sigh* Problem Child.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and began to shake his head while also saying problem child through gritted teeth's.

Me: I am giving my best to live up to that name.

Aizawa: Just how the fuck did you encounter him?

Me: That's a long story.

Aizawa: I believe we have enough time for that.

Me: It's 3 a.m. and tomorrow is the first day.

Aizawa: You won't be even participating in any lessons.

Me: What is that supposed to mean?

Aizawa: You have such a bright mind. I am sure you can figure that out on your own kid. Now speak.

Me: Ahm, so I go chased by some people down a hallway once and he saved me.

Aizawa: HE saved you in the middle of the day?

Me: Yes.

Aizawa: Where were you?

Me: Down tow.

Aizawa: Where?

Me: A market.

Aizawa: Izuku talk! NOW!

Me: Okay, the black market, you happy!

Aizawa: I am killing the rat!

Me: You don't even know if I was there with him or not!

Aizawa: No? Then who else brought you there? It is a 2 hours walk from here. You were the whole time with us. The only time you would had enough time was the one time I let you stay with Nezu.

Me: Touché.

Aizawa: You didn't get hurt did you?

Me: No!

Aizawa: Does that mean the death of All Might is also your doing?

Me: In some sense yes.

Aizawa: Let me guess world domination?

Me: Yep.

Aizawa: Alright.

Me: You are not angry?

Aizawa: Of course I am but I will let Nezu get his punishment.

Me: Oh and if we already getting clean with everything then let me also tell you that it was also me and Nezu who were responsible for getting Hawks on the number 1 spot.

Aizawa: That was pretty obvious.

Me: I know.

Aizawa: What do you plan next?

World Domination at its finest!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt