The beginning

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A/N: Izuku POV unless said otherwise!

School was a place where I didn't like to go. Thinking about it no one likes school. But my case was a little more special. Bulling was something that takes place in every school. My school however doesn't do anything against it and even encourage it too.

It's so great to be quirkless!

Quirkless means Useless that's what you learn in such schools. They would even go so far as to make the student quit because they are quirkless. Which is completely nonsense if you ask me. I was way above the level of my class and they were still mocking me for that. I learned pretty quickly that I wasn't allowed to show my true skills as I was meant to be at the bottom of the food chain. I am quirkless after all!

What a great day today is, I can't wait to be yelled at!

I managed to get into the school on time for once and even avoided Bakugo. The moment I made a step into the classroom, something told me that me avoiding Bakugo wasn't a miracle.

He looked ready to jump out of his seat and kill me. That's how he looked like every day though. The way he looked at me was with burning passion. A passion full of murderous intent!

Let's just hope nothing will happen.

At least I can still hope.

But let's be honest he will beat me up!

I knew that these days where he would be abnormal still were the worst. He just sat there staring at me, no explosions, no yelling, no bullying nothing.

I simply went to my seat and sat down. Everyone was talking with their friends and avoiding the quirkless abomination of nature, which was me. Can't blame them. The society was at fault. They thought of me as nothing less than a worm. Someone not being worth living. Oh how wrong they all are.

The classes started and I didn't pay them much attention. I would learn for the lessons beforehand in order to not be punished or send to the principal's office for causing something I didn't do. Be it mockery of the teacher or something another student did, they would always send me instead. It was as if they enjoyed it.

The teacher came in. She hated me!

Teacher: Oh look who decided to join us today without being late for once!

As if you really mean that with all the venom lacing every word of yours. It is no even my fault for being late everyday! If you would do anything about the quirk discrimination, then I wouldn't be late for once!

Teacher: Today we start with a review of yesterday. Who wants to solve the math question I just wrote down on the table?

No one wanted. No one ever wants to do this. A normal thing in a normal school.

Oh come on! It isn't even that hard!

Teacher: Midoriya! Why don't you come out and solve it.

Of fucking course she would take me!

Me: I would rather not...

I don't want to be yelled at for being smarter or because I faked being dumb!

I have enough of it!

Can't you let me be alone?!

I never even did anything to stand out!!

No wait, I was born quirkless!

It's not my fault though!

Teacher: Insulting the teachers again are we? Now come out and solve it!

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