I gained access and full controll...

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Once we walked through the new portal, I was immediately meet with All for One in a hospital like room but I could also tell that this was some kind of laboratory.

Me: Good Evening!

AfO: Hello, child.

Crusty: He wanted to see you Sensei.

AfO: And why do I want to meet him?

Crusty: He knew that you my Sensei just by looking at the nomu. He is very interesting. I promise you that.

AfO: Is that soo.

Me: It was quite obvious that the creature had multiple quirks just based on how he looked. If I could make a guess then it would be a regeneration quirk, speed enhancer, strength enhancer and something for its skin to be robust.

AfO: All of it is correct.

Me: It is honestly an impressive creature but I can tell that All Might could have beaten it.

AfO: And why is that?

Me: Because it only follows commands and doesn't think for himself. In a fight the one with some wits can always win. Even though All Might is well no brain and all muscles as his names already suggests, he still can look at the situation before him and change his fighting technique in order to beat the nomu. The nomu on the other hand will always only charge at his victim. That is one of his biggest weaknesses.

AfO: What a brilliant mind you have there.

Me: Thanks.

AfO : I would like to take the intelligent quirk off of you. Where you are going, you will not need it anymore anyways.

Me: Be my guest and try. Though I need to tell you immediately that you will fail.

AfO: Oho and why is that?

Me: Because I am quirkless.

AfO: A quirkless kid... That is rare to come by these days.

Me: It is and it is also the reason why I went through hell and back.

AfO: I assume for Shigaraki to bring you to me you must be the one that killed All Might.

Me: I did not kill him. I just planned his killing

AfO: For you to say that so casually, you must hate the man.

Me: I do and that with burning passion.

AfO: The man never liked seeing quirkless kids.

Me: Though he was quikless himself once.

AfO: That is true but he hates seeing himself in the kids.

Me: Still no reason to try to kill the kids, is it?

AfO: So he finally shows his true self.

Me: More or less. It was only a matter of time before someone would have done the same.

AfO: I do not believe that would be the case.

Me: Oh and what about the LOV then?

AfO: We would have needed a lot more time and preparations as you pointed it the problems in our creation out. However, I would like to know why you let someone kill him.

Me: Simply. I wanted to throw the hero society in chaos.

AfO: There must be more to this, the way you talk about it.

Me: Yes. You see I was born quirkless and therefore know how it is to be shunt by the society and grow up being tortured and on the brink of death nearly every day. All I wish for is a better future and for that to happen I want to conquer the world.


Me: Yes, me. Is there something wrong with that?

AfO: No. It just surprised me to hear something this ambitious from a child mouth. It is a fine goal you have there. It is very interesting indeed.


AfO: I have decided. The LOV will have your back! If we ever would be your enemy, then I am sure you would have found a way to get rid of us without anyone knowing. I would rather help you then get ethylated.

Me: Thank you.

AfO: Now on to business. As far as I have grasp the situation, brining chaos to the people was only the beginning, isn't that right.

Me: Yes.

AfO: Does that even mean that the number 1 hero Hawks is your doing as well.

Me: Yes. He is on my side. Which brings me to the second phase of the plan to world domination. I need to get rid of the hero commission. They are all corrupt and doesn't care for anyone besides their wealth.

AfO: I understand. Leave that to be one of my worries.

Me: Thank you.

AfO: Now child, how is your name?

Me: Izuku Midoriya.

AfO: This is Tomura Shigarak and Kurogiri. Call them as you please and use them as one of your assets.

Me: Thank you!

AfO: Kurogiri bring Izuku back home. It is already late. We will meet again as soon as we got rid of the hero commission for you.

Me: I understand.

Kurogiri then came to my side and asked me where I lived. Naturally I told him my address. I had Dabi, Mic, Aizawa and Stain watching over me. Not to mention that I also had Hawks at my side. this meant that there was no threat of not telling them.

Once he teleported me in front of the house, I sneaked back to the backyard and though my own window.

World Domination at its finest!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt