Don't judge a book by its cover!

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The moment we got to Dagobah beach, I immediately began to search threw the junk. There was soo much junk and I could even find some old broken drone, a mother board, an old and broken computer, a laptop, a fridge, a TV....

It was enough material from me in order to build a new drone. Of course I would use the old drones' motherboard and also take the laptop motherboard and see what I can use for the drones motherboard. Since I also need a controller for it, I also began to search for any old controller or anything that was compatible with Bluetooth BLE.

It took me a couple of hours to find my stuff and bring it back to the car. It was an autonomous car and it was spacious enough for me to put everything in.

Nezu: You found everything you need?

Me: Yep and I am pretty happy about it.

Nezu: Okay then let's go back.

Once we were in the car, Nezu put in our final destination and the car began moving while we began to chat with each other.

Nezu: Now that you have the material, where do you plan on building it?

Me: I could build it at home but I am sure that I would get in trouble if it explodes or burns off something. These are after all old parts and I can't guarantee that they are still usable on the first try.

Nezu: Is that why you decided to bring 2-3 times the same item.

Me: Yes.

Nezu: Power Loader has a rather big class. I am sure we can find a place for you there to work.

Me: Really?

Nezu: Yes.

Me: Thanks I will take you up on the offer.

Nezu: How long do you think you will need in order to finish it?

Me: I would say 6 hours.

Nezu: Looks like you are lucky that you still have 7 hours to spend with me until Mic is picking you up today.

Me: Why so late?

Nezu: Today there is a conference. Every teacher needs to be present as we will discuss the plans for the next school year and having All Might as a new teacher as well as his substances.

Me: Sounds like boring work.

Nezu: It is but I will be torturing them with information and a surprise test too.

Me: Tests?

Nezu: Yes. I need to make sure that my staff is up to their task and how better to prove that then to make them take one of the things their owns students hate the most, a test.

Me: If you say so. What will happen to those who fail the test?

Nezu: That never happened.

Me: Really?

Nezu: yes.

Me: And here I was thinking Vlad King would manage to fail it.

Nezu: He came close to it.

Me: I see. So he was simply lucky-

Nezu: Yes, indeed.

We arrived at UA rather quickly and Nezu immediately showed me towards Power Loaders class. Once we were in front of the class he just opened the door and walked in without even knocking. Inside the classroom I quickly realized that the class was on their own without any teacher.

Nezu: Attention class! This is my personal student. He will be working with you for 6 on his own project please treat him well and do not under any circumstances assist him in his task.

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