Planning murder!

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I woke up in this really comfortable bed. The softness of it was really nice and I wished to not open my eyes at all. Then I heard some beeping.

I am not dead...

Good to know that!

But if I am not dead then what happened?

Who saved me?

I slowly opened my eyes and was meet with a really bright room. It took some time for my eyes to adjust.

A hospital room?

I looked around and it didn't look right to me. Although I never been in a hospital room, I could tell that this wasn't one. It looked for me like an infirmary. Again, I was never in the school infirmary, they would always throw me out when I enter to warn me not even to do that. I tried going in once but I can't remember how it looked inside.

I was looking up to the ceiling and began thinking about what happened to me, there was a chance that I would remember the person that saved me but all I could remember was All Might hanging me up and leaving me there. Then me screaming at the top of my lungs for some time and then nothing, just darkness.

???: I am so happy, to see you finally awake dearie.

I looked to the person to my right. My eyes immediately opened wide. This right in front of me was Recovery Girl the youth hero.

Her quirk allows her to amplify and speed up the human body's natural healing process by planting a kiss on the injured person. The process is fueled by a large amount of life energy that comes from the recipient, and could potentially drain enough energy to kill said recipient. She also seems to be able to stretch her lips to an abnormal length.

With this Quirk, she is able to quickly heal broken bones in several limbs in a matter of seconds. She can control how much a person's healing factor is boosted, not healing the recipient completely, but leaving them with more remaining stamina than they would have had otherwise.

This Quirk is not able to regrow lost body parts

That was at least all I knew about her quirk. It was really interesting for me.

Me: Recovery Girl?

Recovery Girl: Yes, dearie?

Me: Does that mean I am currently in the UA infirmary?

Nezu: That is correct Izuku!

Me: Ah Nezu, nice to meet you! I am sorry I couldn't come to our appointment.

Nezu: It's quite alright! I am just happy that nothing happened to you but do tell me how did you end up in this peculiar situation.

Me: I was saved by a person I looked up to even for a little bit and he gave me a reality check.

Nezu: When you say person, am I right to assume you mean a pro-hero.

Me: Yes.

Recovery Girl: Who?

Me: The symbol of peace, All Might. Even if I wouldn't call him that anymore.

Recovery Girl: I swear I am going to kill this guy! Next time he comes to me for healing, I am going to poison his stupid ass. How could he do that?!

Nezu: Was there a specific reason he hang you there?

Me: Told him I was quirkless after he saved me.

Nezu: I see, well if you excuse myself, I have a funeral to plan and a career to end.

Me: ... That is how society is...

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