Hero Killer in action!

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3rd POV:

It didn't take long for Izuku and Dabi to arrive at the warehouse and meet up with Stain. In fact, both of them needed to wait for Stain since he didn't know Dabi and was checking them out first and making sure that no one was following them and this was no trap. Once he made sure of that he landed in front of them and picked Izuku up.

Stain: Ah, long time no see kiddo!

Izuku: Hey Stain!


Stain somewhat found himself worrying about Izuku after hearing how he felt about the world. Just the small amount that Izuku was talking about All Might was enough for the hero killer to know how much he despised the fake hero and that alone was all he needed to know. For Stain the little green bean was felt somewhat like a small brother he never had. A kid he wanted to protect for once in his life. He was no father and he knew that so he decided he would act as his older brother at least and watch over the boy from the shadows.

Dabi on the other hand was jealous about Stain picking Izuku up so casually and showed his flames the hero killer warning him if he was not to put down Izuku immediately he would have attacked him. Not wanting to risk Izuku getting hurt at all he put the small bean. It might have been that or the angry ferret hissing at him.

Stain: I have checked what you told me about the number one hero and I found it to be rather true. As unforgivable as it is, he needs to be eliminated.

Dabi: Fuck yes!

Stain: This however is not a job for a kid and a wanna be hero!

Dabi: The fuck are you calling wanna be hero! Just for your information, I am Dabi!

Stain: Oh so you are the kid that does everything for money.

Dabi: Did. Izuku gave me a new life.

Stain: A true hero by heart, I see.

Izuku: Well he saved me from a villain attack too but enough of that. Now let's chat about how we will get rid of the number one.

Stain: We?

Dabi: Hell yeah!

Izuku: No, Dabi!

Dabi: Why not?

Izuku: Because of our parents and just imagine if they find out that two kids got rid of the number 1. They will skin us!

Stain: He is right. This is no job for you two. I will take up this burden.

Izuku: Which reminds me of why I said we.

Stain: ...

Dabi: ...

Izuku: Me and Nezu came up with a plan in order to get rid of the number 1. I have gathered a lot of information about him and here is what we both got so far.

Dabi: How long were you planning this?

Izuku: Long enough and it is the first step towards my goal after all.

Stain: Your goal?

Izuku: A world without any discrimination, where everyone can be what they want to be and no one telling them that they are made to be a hero or a villain. The whole concept is old-fashioned. People are not villain for nothing. They were made by others even forced to be ones. No one deserves such life.

Stain: I see. A noble goal, which I shall assist you!

Dabi: You do realize he is talking about world domination right?

World Domination at its finest!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt