Last second safe

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Aizawa's POV:

After Nezu told me that there was a quirkless kid that was out there and very possible in danger and to top it off was even suppose meet him, I immediately send Zashi to his home and I went out in order to search for him too.

I didn't know how he looked like or how even his name but that was not important right now.

Please don't jump kid!

Please don't hang yourself!

Please don't lie in your own blood!

Please don't die!

Please be alive when I find you!

I was quickly on the rooftop and jumping from one building to another. I checked every abandoned building and was happy not find him there. Next I checked bridges and higher buildings that's when I saw someone over the railing.

I immediately speed up and ran to that person. The closer I got, I could see that the person was wearing some kind of uniform in all black. 3 Houses away I saw that the person was hanging there. He looked like he was praying.

What in the world?!

I was only one roof away when his clothing finally ripped and he fell. He didn't even scream. He had his eyes shut and he looked like he accepted his fate.

Me: NO!

I sprinted toward him and half the roof away I shot my capture weapon at him. I was lucky that the opposite rooftop was from a 8 story building I was on a 4 story building. While I shot my scarf at I him I was still running towards him and I hopped that I would make it in time.


Then I felt the familiar tug and immediately breathed out again. I didn't know I was holding my breath at all.

Thank god!

I quickly began pulling him up to the roof and then I saw that I caught him around his ankle. I was sure that the ankle would be bruised afterwards but for now I was happy he was still alive.

The moment I could get a hold of him, I carefully picked him up and laid him down on the roof top. I immediately released him from my scarf. His eyes were still closed and I could see his uniform being ruined.

What the hell happened to you?

He looked broken and was definitely injured. It didn't take an animal nose to smell the irony smell of blood coming off of him. I couldn't see a lot of injures beside a small headwound. Another look at it and I regretted thinking it was small. The wound was not small at all and I could still see some glass fragments in the wound.

Gosh kid, what happened!

I quickly checked his pulse and I was relieved to find one. He was so pale that I thought that he was already dead. Quickly grabbing my phone, I called Nezu. It didn't take long at all. In fact, after one ring, the chimera immediately picked up bridal style.

Me: I found him, get Recovery Girl ready!

Nezu: thank god!

That was all I said before finishing the call.

I slowly and carefully picked the boy up since I didn't know how much he was injured and began running towards UA. He was very light and way to skinny for his own good. He reminded me of a skeleton which wasn't good at all.

Are you even getting any food at home?

While I was running the kid in my arms slowly began to wake up. what surprised me was that he didn't move at all. He began slowly to blink and then looked up at me.

World Domination at its finest!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt