03 | An Opportunity, Part 2 (Bella)

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Amabella's POV

The drive to the mall with Kaden wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be.

I pretended the sexual tension that we both know is brewing between us didn't exist, and instead focused on making casual conversation. That was easy to do when Kaden brought up topics I liked, such as swimming. He commented on my frequent visits to the giant pool in his backyard, which caused me to run my mouth about it.

The only thing I left out is that it was my father who'd sparked my passion for swimming. We barely kept in contact after he stepped out of my life. I don't talk about him if I don't have to, so I'm glad Kaden never asks about him.

"What do you like to do in your spare time?" I ask Kaden after we secure a parking spot close to the front of the mall. "I want to hear all about the trouble you used to get into before you settled down like an old man. I did my Googles, so I know you were a bit of a bad boy."

Kaden laughs, then surprises me with his honesty. "I was a total shit show before getting with your mother. Still lived life like a reckless teenager. Partying and drinking every night. Sleeping with all types of—" He pauses, chuckling nervously. "Long story short, I was a mess. Then I met your mother. She made me want to be a better man, so I got my act together and became one."

"That's so sweet," I respond, unsure of which parts I should believe. "And where is it you two met again? I forgot what Mom told me."

That's a lie. The same day that I came home because of what happened with my apartment and I found out my mother had gotten married, I relentlessly grilled her about her relationship with Kaden. She said they bumped into each other inside a coffee shop downtown and it was basically love at first sight. The story was quite nauseating.

But now that I have Kaden alone and in a less tempting environment, I plan to grill him just as hard to see if their stories match up.

"Evangeline and I met downtown inside a cozy little coffee joint called A Cup of Heaven," Kaden replies, and his answer is identical to my mother's. "I like to stop there before heading into work. One day, I go inside and see this gorgeous woman standing in line. I don't know what made her turn around to speak to me, but..." He meets my gaze and gives me his signature fuck me stare, making me shift in my seat. "... when she did, her pretty blue eyes immediately enthralled me. At that moment, I'm certain I would have done anything she wanted."

"Anything?" I burn with embarrassment at the way my voice cracks.

I can't help but think he's talking about me instead of my mother. The smirk on his handsome face all but confirms it. That or he just gets a kick out of making me flustered.

"Anything," Kaden repeats, then removes the car key from the ignition. "I couldn't leave without getting your mother's number, and the rest is history."

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