12 | Personal (Kaden)

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Kaden's POV

What is love in this day and age?

Everyone uses the word so loosely that it has begun to hold little power, at least with me.

I've had countless women tell me that they loved me before, the majority having been drunk when they said it. The rest always followed up with a monetary request afterward.

Maybe Bella didn't realize what she had said, or she was trying to say something else but got her words mixed up. I wore her out last night, so perhaps she thought she was dreaming when she whispered those three words. I know she cares about me, but love? No fucking way she's in love with me.

"I'm such an idiot..." Staring at the eggs sizzling in the frying pan, I'm supposed to be fixing breakfast instead of zoning out and thinking about—

"Good morning!" Bella sneaks up behind me, pinching me on the ass. "Oh! Someone's a little jumpy. Did I seriously scare you just now?" She laughs as I turn around from the stove. Our eyes meet and my heart starts beating ridiculously fast. "What's with the weird look? Do I have something on my face?"

"There's nothing on your face, Bella. You're perfect." I lean down to kiss her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her flush against me.

We kiss like tomorrow isn't coming. She moans softly, parting her mouth and inviting me inside. I pour my all into the kiss. I'm so goddamn hungry for her. All of her. I can never get enough, and part of me knows she feels the same.

Who the fuck am I kidding? I'm absolutely nuts about this girl. There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for her. I love taking care of her. I love making her smile. I love making love to her. Shit. Maybe I'm in love, too. Maybe she's the one. My one.

"You're my girl, Bella." I pick her up and place her on the kitchen counter, my cock hanging heavily between my legs. She immediately wraps hers around my waist, her hands caressing my bare chest, sharp blue eyes staring into mine. "Say it. Tell me who you belong to."

"Kaden," she whispers my name like it's a dirty word and I fucking love it. "I belong to you, and you belong to me." She lightly tugs at the waistband of my sweatpants, slowly licking her lips. "I know what I want for breakfast, and it isn't what you're cooking on the stove..."

The smell of burnt eggs promptly snaps us out of the daze that we had fallen in.

"Ah, shit!" I laugh nervously while taking the pan off the stove eye. The eggs are inedible. I scrape them out of the pan and into the trash. "Looks like we're having biscuits and bacon for breakfast because I'm not cooking more eggs."

"It's fine. You've done enough." Bella fixes herself a plate, giggling all the while, and then she joins me at the kitchen table.

"Is that Evangeline's?" I spot a diamond tennis bracelet laying on the other end of the table. I rarely see Bella wearing jewelry, so I assume it's something of her mother's. She grabs it, examines it for about a minute, and then slips it into her pocket. "Oh. I didn't know it was yours."

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