10 | The Last Laugh, Part 1 (Kaden)

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Kaden's POV

Evangeline is going to kill me.

It's only a matter of time before she finds out Bella knows the truth about our marriage, and that I'm the one who blew the whistle.

It wasn't my intention to steal that moment away from my pretend wife. I never would've done it had I not been so damn desperate to make Bella mine. I would've done anything to prove that my feelings for her are genuine, even if it meant jeopardizing everything that I've been working towards.

"Is this what you do all day? Sit at your desk reading and signing off on a bunch of paperwork..." Bella walks around my minimalist office for the second time, later stopping in front of my desk. "I bet this place goes through a shit ton of paper. RIP to all those beautiful trees."

"Pretty sure that's the thirtieth question you've asked me since we got here." I laugh, slowly accepting the fact that I'll be getting no work done. "When I said you could tag along with me today, I hadn't planned on you being such a pest."

"Me, a pest?!" Bella places a hand on her chest and gasps, faking like she's offended. "I'm terribly sorry for being such a nuisance, sir. Please tell me how I can make it up to you. I'll do anything." A seductive look settles in her blue eyes as she walks around my desk, pulling my chair back to sit on my lap. I can feel the blood rushing to my cock when she leans forward to kiss me, playfully nipping at my bottom lip. "I mean it, sir. I'll do anything..."

"I'm not your sir," I correct her. "Call me daddy."

"God, you're so filthy!" She giggles, blushing. "But I like it."

"Of course you do. Filthy minds think alike." I move a hand between her legs and stroke her naked cunt, pleased to discover she isn't wearing any panties underneath her short dress. "I've never had sex at the office before...." I kiss her neck as she clings to me, moaning softly while her wetness coats my fingers. "We should rectify this problem."

I briefly glance at the stack of papers sitting high on my desk. We've barely been here an hour and I've only managed to read through two reports. But to hell with all that. Being inside my girl is far more important.

"Wait." Bella stops me from unbuckling my belt. "I have something else in mind."

Without another word, she drops to her knees and pulls my cock out. I blink and suddenly it's halfway down her throat. My hands grip the arms of the chair as she takes me in deeper. She sucks me hungrily, her tongue licking me from base to leaking tip. The sounds that she makes, her sexy muffled moans... I'm certain I'll cum before I get the chance to properly fuck her.

"Goddamn, Bella..." My body shudders when she picks up the pace, her head bobbing faster. I'm minutes away from painting the back of her throat with my release. I'm so far gone that I barely hear the knock at the door, barely recognize the person walking into the room.

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