13 | Possessive, Part 2 (Bella)

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Amabella's POV

I ended up getting rid of the Uber driver at the last second.

I hadn't been thinking with a clear head as I was making plans to go out, and I now realize how much it would've sucked to depend on someone else for a ride, considering I'm out on my own tonight. So I opted to drive one of Kaden's cars instead.

He's the first man that I've dated who has made me want to get violent with him. Like a slap him hard across the face before pushing him down on the ground and fucking him senseless type of violence, if it could even be called that.

I'm embarrassed to admit he has me completely whipped. Sometimes I thought I had him wrapped around my finger, but after the brief standoff that happened between us before I left the house tonight, I'm feeling like it's me that's wrapped around his.

I can't stop thinking about his stupid handsome face, no matter how hard I try.

And the hickey on my neck—Kaden's possessive mark on what he believes is his territory—has surprisingly done the trick in deterring men from approaching me. I'm not even in the proper headspace to party, so after half an hour, I leave the club and stop at a Walmart to grab a change of clothes because to hell with staying in this tight ass dress for another hour.

After I get changed into a plain shirt and some sweats, I aimlessly drive around town for a bit. There isn't shit else to do around here, and I can't think of a better way to kill time while Kaden is presumably pacing the floor at home, wondering what I'm doing and who I'm doing it with. If I was seriously trying to get back at him for keeping things from me, I'd book a room at a hotel and wouldn't even go back home tonight. That would definitely drive him up the fucking wall.

God, why did I have to catch feelings for such a complex man?

I just don't understand why, after everything that we've gone through, Kaden thought it would be best to keep things from me again. He's already told me the truth about why he married my mother, so what on earth is holding him back from telling me that someone had vandalized her salon? Is he afraid that I'll try to go out and solve the crime myself or what?

Either way it goes, he clearly doesn't trust me as much as I thought he did. He continues to treat me like I'm a delicate flower that needs to be protected from the horrors of this big wicked world; in reality, I simply want him to treat me as his equal.

"I could definitely go for something greasy and fattening right about now," I mumble to myself after stumbling upon a homely little diner.

There are only a few cars in the parking lot, and I'm way across town, so I shouldn't run into anyone that would recognize me. At least that's what I'm hoping won't happen, because it'll be hard to explain why I'm dressed down with a face full of makeup on and my hair styled. Kaden is turning me into someone that I don't recognize and I'm wondering if this is the point where I need to be getting concerned.

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