19 | Crash (Bella)

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Amabella's POV

The guards that Kaden hired to watch over the house have been here for almost a week.

I get that they're around to keep us all safe, and I'm genuinely grateful for that, but it's starting to feel like I have five extra shadows. One is permanent because Kaden had made the order to have Zander follow me around anytime I leave the house. It's been a blessing and an inconvenience.

Jason can't make any moves toward me without getting his ass beat and promptly thrown in jail. On the other hand, I now get stared at like a freak thanks to being accompanied by a tall, brawny giant named Zander. Quinten, another guard, monitors my mom whenever she leaves the house. Kaden apparently thinks he's some big bad tough guy that doesn't need protection because he's the only one out of the three of us that doesn't use a bodyguard.

I wanted to put up a fight about it, but I just don't have the energy. With the guards watching our house day and night, there hasn't been another break-in. Kaden is still spying on Jason, but the psycho has yet to do anything out of the ordinary. He's seriously a frustrating opponent. One day, he'll launch an attack. The next day, he'll keep to himself.

If his endgame is to drive us all fucking crazy, then consider me halfway there.

"I'm hungry! Can we please go out to get a burger or something?" I ask Zander, trying my best to not sound too annoyed because I'm sure he'd rather be anywhere but here babysitting my whiny adult ass. "And don't you dare mention having it delivered. I want to go for a drive instead."

Zander sighs while meeting my gaze. "Given all that you and your family have gone through, you really shouldn't go out right now. Until Jason is... handled, your life will continue to be in danger, so I highly encourage you to reconsider going out." 

"I know you're tired of Mom's cooking, Zander. Let me treat you to a nice meal instead. I'll let you order from wherever you want." I flash him my best smile, battling my lashes. "Pretty please, can we go out? I'll even volunteer to drive if that'll help!"

Zander huffs, running a hand over his buzz cut while nodding. "Let's go."

"Thank you!" We head out after he sends a quick text to Kaden and my mother, both of them requiring check-ins whenever I leave the house.

"Did you hear that? Sounded like thunder." Zander mutters about fifteen minutes into the drive. He rolls his window down and looks up at the sky. "Smells like it might rain soon. We should hurry and get back to the house before it starts pouring down."

Speaking it into existence, about five minutes later is when it literally begins to storm. I find the rain relaxing to listen to when I'm bundled up under the covers in bed, not when I'm behind the wheel of a car. Frowning, I decide it's best to give up on getting fast food today.

As I'm in the middle of turning the car around to head back up our street, Zander yells for me to floor it while pulling his gun out and pointing it at something I can barely see. My nerves immediately get the best of me as I slam on the gas, unsure of what street I'm speeding down. I scream when Zander leans out of the window and shoots.

"Zander, what the hell!?" I glance in the rearview mirror and see that we're being tailed by a large black van. Something no one in this suburban ass neighborhood would ever dare to drive. 

My hands jerk at the wheel as the van rams into the back of the car, spinning us until we crash hard against a light pole.

Zander doesn't miss a beat. He exits the car and continues shooting at the people in the van. I duck down after hearing them shoot back. The next thing I know, I'm being pulled out of the car and dragged toward the van while three men close in on Zander as he's in the middle of reloading his gun. I scream his name, but it's already too late. They get him down on the ground, punching and kicking at him until he eventually stops moving.

I'm then tossed into the back of the van like a ragdoll. I don't get the opportunity to put up a fight because, with lightning speed, my captor zip ties my hands and ankles. Seconds or minutes after that, I'm not even sure anymore, the other three masked men jump back into the van, and then we drive off. I have no idea if they left Zander alive or if they killed him. I shed tears, regardless. None of this would've happened if I had listed to him and stayed inside.

"Bastards!" I yell as the van picks up speed, the sound of the rain hitting the roof hard. "What did you do to him?!"

The man who tied me up is close by, and he laughs. I can't really tell them apart because they're all wearing masks and are dressed in all black.

"You should worry less about what we did to him and more about what we plan on doing to you."

"Fuck you!" I spit at his feet, and he kicks me in response. It knocks the breath out of me and I can barely tolerate the pain as one of the other men tells him to chill out. 

"You're lucky the boss man told us to go easy on you, otherwise I'd teach you a lesson for being so damn disrespectful," The Kicker snaps at me. "I suggest you remain silent for the rest of the ride, otherwise you'll leave me no choice but to gag you with my—"

"Put that disgusting little thing anywhere near me and I'll fucking bite it off," I respond before he finishes his sentence. "You'll all pay for this. Just you wait."

"Nah, just you wait." The Kicker laughs. "Because I call first dibs after the boss man is done with you."

I close my eyes, curl into a ball, and try my best to not vomit everywhere. I repeatedly tell myself that I'm going to be okay. Kaden will find me. His men will take out Jason and his thugs, and then this will all be over. It'll be behind us for good. We can move on and start a new chapter together.

God, at least I hope that's what'll happen.

. . .

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