10 | The Last Laugh, Part 2 (Kaden)

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Kaden's POV

As I head to my final meeting of the day, the one I personally set up, I'm unable to wipe the smug grin off my face.

I hold the folder full of Jason's dirty little secrets with an iron grip as I push open the doors to the boardroom. Sitting at the long mahogany table are familiar faces. I give my parents and the company's lawyers a polite nod while taking my seat, ignoring Jason.

"How's married life treating you, Kaden?" My father asks me.

"To be honest, it's treating me better than I thought it would." I smile, knowing my newfound happiness has nothing to do with my wife, but everything to do with her daughter.

"You have a very beautiful family," Jason adds. "Gorgeous wife, lovely stepdaughter. Visually, you're the picture-perfect family. I hope you're taking good care of them both."

"They want for nothing." I play along, remaining cordial despite wanting to leap across the table and pummel his face. "Shall we get on with the meeting? I have something rather important that I'd like to bring to everyone's attention."

I slide the manila folder onto the table, my eyes locked on Jason.

"Of course, but I'd first like to say a few things as I know you two are keen on becoming Jack's successor..." My mother stands and goes into a whole spiel about how the company got started, what its values are, and the goals that she expects us to reach over the next five years.

Knowing what I now know about Jason, it's hard to pay attention when I have the rat sitting opposite of me. I can't believe how shady this fucker is. He has some nerve thinking that he could not only come work here but also try to take over my family's company. All while purposefully disregarding the skeletons in his closet. His audacity fills me with an intense rage that threatens to consume me unless I speak my peace.

"Everyone sitting here knows my vision. It has been talked about many times before," my father speaks, gathering everyone's attention. "Kaden, my son, I know I don't say it enough, but I am very proud of who you've become. And Jason, your work hasn't gone unnoticed either..."

After my father is finished hyping me and Jason up, not giving anything away regarding who he envisions running the company after he steps down next year, he then allows me to take the floor. Jason tries to mask his confused expression, but he'll soon know why he's been called to this meeting.

"Fortran Inc. is one of the biggest steel manufacturing companies in the world," I stand as I speak. "We are extremely innovative and have always been one step ahead of the competition. Everyone here knows who I am. My work ethic speaks for itself. You all know what I can bring to the table. CEO or not, we all have a role to play at this company. And rather than take this time to talk about myself and prove that I'm the worthiest candidate, I figured actions would speak louder than words. Let me show you what I've uncovered."

I open the envelope and pass the papers around to everyone, having made copies.

"A snake sits among us." I look directly at Jason. "From day one, there was something about you that never sat right with me, Mr. Tyler. I recently reached my breaking point in trying to get a look past your perfect exterior, so I brought it upon myself to do a deeper dive into your past. Something that should have been done before you were ever hired."

Jason skims through the papers, his skin reddening from either embarrassment or anger. "W-What is all this nonsense? How did you..."

"The more important question that should be asked is why were you laundering money at one of our rival companies?" I smirk as his eyes widen out of shock, everyone else gasping. "A company that you were employed by before coming to work here. A company you neglected to mention on your resume. A company who, instead of firing you immediately, swore to keep you out of prison in exchange for handing over classified information about Fortran."

"This bastard is a mole!?" My father shakes his head, looking disappointed. "God only knows how much damage you've caused."

"Don't worry about that. I'll get to the bottom of it," I say with confidence, still looking at Jason. "You really did a shit job at trying to get rid of those incriminating emails."

No one utters a word as Jason, now teary-eyed and sobbing, comes from around the table to kneel before my mother and father. He begs for their forgiveness, making a spectacle.

"I swear I never gave them anything worth using," Jason says. "Please, let's not do anything drastic. I care so much about Fortran. I only did what I did because—"

"Because you were too much of a coward to face the prison time you deserved for having committed a federal offense," I cut him off. "A formal investigation will be launched, so expect to be contacted by our lawyers shortly. I'll go ahead and do the honors on behalf of my father—clear out your office and leave the premises immediately, Mr. Tyler. You're fired."

"Get out of this building and never come back!" My mother shouts, delivering the finishing blow.

Making sure he doesn't try anything on his way out, I have the secretary on the floor call for security to come and retrieve him.

"You should've been better at covering your tracks," I mutter as we wait for the elevator doors to open. "I don't know why, but criminals always seem to lack in that area."

"Go ahead and enjoy the moment," Jason speaks softly, eyes expressionless. "You may feel like you've won, but I can promise you this—it'll be me who gets the last laugh."

The elevator opens with security waiting inside, unfortunately preventing me from getting a punch in. Jason steps inside without another word. We stare at each other. Wordless threats are passed back and forth until the elevator doors close once more.

Jason's words don't phase me. He can't possibly be stupid enough to retaliate. It won't end well for him if he tries. But if push comes to shove, I have enough money to make him disappear if I really wanted to.

For his sake, I pray I never have to make that call.

. . .

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