20 | In The Woods (Kaden)

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Kaden's POV

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I slam my fist down onto the kitchen table after Zander, all battered and bruised, finishes telling me how Bella got abducted. 

"I'm sorry, sir. Everything happened so fast, and they outnumbered me..." Zander sounds genuine, but I'm far too furious to care about his feelings while Bella's life hangs in the balance. "One of them threw this at me before they took off." He pulls a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to me. "I haven't had the chance to open it because I came straight here after everything happened."

I open the note with trembling hands. An address is written underneath the message: Come alone. No cops. Her life in exchange for yours. Deal?

No fucking way this lunatic expects me to show up alone. I'm not giving him an easy out to kill me. Fuck that. I'm going to go there, find Bella, and when the time comes for me to light everyone up—a choice I'm fully content with making now—my backup will have arrived. Either way it goes, bodies are going to drop today, and I'll be damned if they're any of my people.

"Call Martin, tell him what's going on, then give him that address. Tell him I need his best shooters to meet me there immediately," I instruct Zander while turning around to comfort Evangeline. "I'm going to get her back, okay? I promise not to return without her."

"Please, K-Kaden. She's all that I have left..." Evangeline sobs, her hands clutching my shirt as her body shakes violently. "Please save my daughter."

"I will, Evangeline. You have my word." 

After I get confirmation from Zander that Martin is on his way with my backup, I take Zander's gun and tell him to stay behind with Evangeline. I don't need her trying to follow me, essentially throwing herself right into the lion's den alongside Bella.

"I don't know what this crazy bastard Jason has planned, but I have a feeling that we're going to need a lot of manpower," I call out to Zander while rushing towards the front door.

"What else do you need from me and my team, sir?" Quinten asks in passing. "Do you want us to stay here and watch the house, or do you want us to follow you?"

"Half of you stay here, the other half can come with Martin's men."

"Understood. Be careful, sir."


I break the law while speeding to the address that Jason left me. The drive lasts for about forty-five minutes, and then the GPS instructs me to turn onto a sketchy looking dirt road. In no time, I'm surrounded by nothing but trees. I slow down long enough to text Martin, telling him to hang back with his men while I head in first to confront Jason and find Bella, then after a few minutes pass, they should pull up and start firing at everyone in sight.

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