15 | Apologies (Bella)

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Amabella's POV

It sickens me that there's some psychopath out there targeting my mother.

What's more frustrating is the fact that she still hasn't opened up to me about anything, not her true reasoning for marrying Kaden or even this drama surrounding her salons. Had it not been for Kaden being pushed into a corner to tell me everything, I'd still be left wandering around in the damn dark.

But, with everything that's been happening lately, I feel now isn't the best time to push my mother. She'll open up to me in her own time, hopefully.

"Rough day at the office, sweetheart?" I tease Kaden when he enters the house. My smile fades as I take in his tired expression and slack posture.

He makes his way over to me in the living room, dropping his briefcase by the couch and removing his suit jacket before sitting next to me. I take one of his hands in mine as he rests his head against the back of the couch, staring off into space.

"Rough is an understatement," Kaden murmurs. "Were you waiting up for me again?" he asks, turning his head to meet my gaze. I answer with a nod, my heart fluttering when he gives me half of a smile, his boyish grin making him look a few years younger. "I can't help but notice how we've been getting more and more domestic. You act more like my wife than my actual wife."

"I was literally just thinking the same thing." I laugh, blushing. The thought of me one day becoming Mrs. Kaden Matthews makes my pulse race and stomach flip. "Tell me about your day. Something or someone has clearly pissed you off and I want details."

He says nothing, then suddenly pulls me onto his lap and hugs me tightly, sighing in what I assume is contentment. Playing along, I wrap my arms around him, one hand playing in his hair while the other strokes his jawline. He closes his eyes and hums as if he likes it, so I continue to go with the flow, kissing him on each cheek and eventually on his mouth.

"Kaden, talk to me," I plead. "I want to know what's bothering you. I want to help you get through it, but I can't unless you say something." When one of his hands tries to make its way underneath my skimpy nightgown, I swat at it. He huffs in response, frowning. "I don't think so, Mister. No fucking until after you tell me what's wrong with you."

"Can't I have just a little taste before you turn this into a Dr. Phil session?" He tries to make another pass at me, but I dodge it by sliding off his lap. He growls in aggravation before falling over on the couch, his head resting on my lap. "Baby, your rejection hurts..." He looks up at me with sad green eyes while grabbing hold of his semi with one hand. "It's literally painful."

I laugh, playfully pinching him on the cheek. "Tell me what's gotten you so worn down and then my body is all yours."

He rolls his eyes, sighing loudly. His stubbornness in not wanting to open up is downright infuriating. I hate how he expects me to pour my heart out to him whenever I'm having a hard time, but for whatever reason, I can't get the same from him in return.

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