11 | Favor Returned (Bella) | Censored

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Amabella's POV

I've fallen hard for Kaden.

I let the sly devil into my heart and now I can't get rid of him. This secret relationship that we're having behind my mother's back has been the most terrifying and exciting thing that I've ever been part of. I'm so heavily invested in this man that it frightens me to imagine what my future would look like without him in it.

"This was fun. We should do it again sometime," Mom says before standing to head upstairs to bed. "Try not to stay down here for too long, okay? The last time you did that, you fell asleep on the couch with the TV still on. You know how much that irks me."

"I promise I'll turn it off before I go to bed." I wave her away while continuing to flick through the channels in search of something new to watch.

Apart from the quickie that I had with Kaden in his office this morning, the rest of my day has been pretty uneventful.

I checked on my car to see how much longer the repairs will take and they told me they're waiting on a few parts to ship in because they didn't have what they needed in stock, so I guess I'll be riding around in Kaden's whip for a few more weeks.

My apartment situation is all fucked. My landlord finally reached out to basically tell me that I'm SOL. All vacant apartments have been filled, meaning I'm stuck living with my mother and Kaden until God knows when. On a positive note, I may no longer have to depend on my freelance income to stay afloat. Lauren, Kaden's mother, sent me a list of companies that are in need of graphic designers. She even told me I could put her down as a reference.

Her kindness is too much for me to handle. If she were aware of what Kaden and I have been up to, she definitely would want nothing to do with me.

"How did I become such a terrible person?" I shake the negative thoughts off as I stand up to call it a night. I shut the TV off and head upstairs.

I'm not tired, so I sneak into Kaden's empty bedroom, shower, and then climb into his bed wearing nothing but one of his oversized t-shirts. My mother has stopped caring about putting on a show between her and Kaden because she no longer hides the fact that they sleep in separate rooms. Out of curiosity, I asked her why and she told me that she can't stand his loud snoring. More lies. I figured she'd tell me the truth, as Kaden already has, when she's ready. I won't push her like I did him.

Speaking of the devil, he should be here soon, or so said the latest text he sent. I miss him like crazy and it makes me wonder if he feels just as desperate for me. At the very least, he fucks me like he can't live without me. That's saying something, I guess.   

"Ugh, this is what I get for dating an older man..." I groan in frustration as ten o'clock approaches, Kaden still MIA. I'd text him again, but I don't want to come off as clingy. He's a busy man. Surely there's a reasonable explanation for why he's coming home so late.

To keep my mind busy, I start reading an eBook. As I near page sixty, I yawn for the first time tonight. By page ninety-five, I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. This turned out to be way too relaxing, and I probably should have picked a different activity to help keep me alert. I place my phone on the nightstand to head to the kitchen for something sweet to eat.

As I reach for the doorknob, it turns on its own. The door opens and I back up to allow Kaden to enter. I'm on him the second after he locks us inside.

"I missed you, too." He chuckles while accepting my frenzied kisses. I hold onto him as he walks us back to the bed, stepping out of his shoes along the way. "I was drowning in paperwork back at the office. Had a lot of shit to handle, but I couldn't stop thinking about who I had waiting for me at home..." He lays me down gently and then begins to peel out of his clothes. "I couldn't stop thinking about what we did this morning..."   

"Yeah? It's been on my mind, too." I meet his heated gaze as he stands naked before me, his hands reaching forward to grab my ankles. He pulls until my ass is resting at the foot of the bed. When he squats and brings my legs over his shoulders, I smile and shudder in anticipation. "What do you plan on doing to me, handsome?"

"Just wanted to return the favor from earlier." He winks before burying his face in my pussy.


We collapse beside each other a few seconds later.

Apparently, I was more tired than I thought. I barely register him leaving and then coming back with a warm rag. Not long after that, we're cuddling under the covers. He holds me tightly from behind, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

"I like coming home and seeing you waiting for me in my bed," he whispers. "We won't have to sneak around for much longer, I promise you that."

"It's fine," I reply, halfway yawning. "I'll wait for you... doesn't matter how long."

"Your words are slurring." He chuckles, then kisses me on the shoulder. "Sleep, love."

"I love you more," is what I mumble before dozing off in his arms.

. . .

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