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Amabella's POV

Several Years Later

"Hey! Where the hell do you think you're going with that?" Kaden yells after me upon entering the house, his expression panicked as he rushes to take the box of glass plates out of my hands. I roll my eyes and sigh as he carefully places it on the ground, later ushering me towards the sofa to sit.

"I thought I told your pregnant ass to stay put while the movers and I carried all the boxes out to the truck," Kaden says. "Will there ever come a day when you'll actually follow my orders?"

"Kaden, you're being so overdramatic right now." As suffocating as he's been, I can do nothing but laugh at him scolding me. I'm only two months pregnant but he acts as if I'm eight and should be on bed rest. It's sweet that he cares so much, but it's also a little irritating when he starts to want to do every little thing for me as if I'm incapable of caring for myself. "Babe, I know you'd rather me be laid up in a bed somewhere, but you've got to understand that I'm only in the first trimester. Moving a few boxes around isn't going to hurt me or the baby, okay?"

"You're right. I'm sorry for overreacting."

Leaning over to kiss me on the cheek, he decides to take a short break and hang out with me for a bit. He wraps an arm around me and pulls me in closer to him. I immediately relax against him, my frustration slowly beginning to subside.

"I know you're still capable of doing most things for yourself, but I just can't help it at times... This is my first kid. Our first kid. If anything were to happen to you, the tiniest little thing, I would one thousand percent lose my fucking mind. No doubt about it."

I decide it's best to not argue and just let him have his way this time. "I understand, babe."

Even though it's been a few years since the whole Jason incident, Kaden's constant worrying and overprotectiveness towards me had risen to a point that I'd been uncomfortable with. So much so that I encouraged him to speak to someone, a professional, about the trauma that we'd both gone through during that dark time. I found it easy to speak with a trauma therapist, and it ended up helping me in ways I hadn't known was possible.

Kaden, on the other hand, took his time throughout that whole process. I remained patient, and he eventually got better, but every now and then he'll slip up and will try to act like my parent instead of my husband. I do my best to keep him in check without hurting his feelings because I know he's only trying to look out for me and the baby.

"Since you never want me doing anything, I assume you're going to be the one to babyproof the new house when the time comes?" I ask, smiling at him. Thinking about the future with our baby gets me so damn excited that I can barely sit still sometimes. "Upstairs and downstairs?"

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