16 | New Fire (Kaden)

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Kaden's POV

I took a few days off from work to stay home with Bella and Evangeline.

We've all reached the point where, for the sake of our health, we needed to take a break and decompress. It was nice to turn my brain off for a few days. I wish I could've stretched the time out a little longer, but unfortunately, my busy schedule wouldn't allow it.  

The first thing to catch my eye after I step inside my office is the large manila envelope sitting in the center of my desk. A disconcerting feeling slowly settles in my chest as I walk over to see what's inside of it. Placing my briefcase down, I reach for the envelope and tear it open.

Inside are three large photographs, and only one has a yellow sticky note attached to it. My stomach knots up and I immediately become enraged as my brain processes the pictures of Evangeline and a woman, presumably the secret lover that I've always suspected her of having, kissing passionately outside the back of one of her salons. The invasion of her privacy is one thing; Someone monitoring Evangeline and having captured such an intimate moment is above and beyond fucked up. To make matters worse, the note contains a threat.

It read: The press would eat this story up... I wonder when I should leak it?

This whole thing reeks of Jason.

I curse under my breath, trying hard to ignore the urge to punch at the wall. Evidently, he's still having trouble digging up any dirt on me, so he's continuing to go after the easier target—Evangeline. I admit these photos would create one hell of a scandal, which is the last thing I need while attempting to take over my father's position at the company.

I realize now that I haven't been playing dirty enough with the blonde bastard.

"Fuck!" I tear up the photos and toss the pieces into the trash bin.

I take a seat at my desk and try to even my breathing, hoping it'll do the trick to calm me down. Thinking 'happy thoughts' gets me nowhere, so I think about Bella instead. I think about what kind of life we'd have if I weren't in this fucked-up situation. Every day I question why she continues to stick beside me through all the bullshit.

It's clear that she deserves someone better than me. Someone with less baggage that can make her smile, not stress her out. Someone capable of brightening up her day, not darkening it with their personal drama. Bella deserves so much better, and I don't deserve her at all. But because I'm too damn selfish, I'm unable to let her go. She'll have to be the one who walks out on me, and if there ever comes a day when that happens, I'll respect her decision.

"Hey, Viv. I need a favor." I eventually call my assistant and ask her about the package that I received. She claims it got delivered before she got here and that the mailman had presumably brought it up to my office. It was addressed to me, so it only made sense that he deliver it. After all, it looked like a simple piece of mail.

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