13 | Possessive, Part 1 (Bella)

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Amabella's POV

Men are annoying.

Kaden Matthews is especially annoying. I don't understand why he felt the need to go above and beyond in making me his girl, finally confessing the truth about why he got together with my mother, only to then turn around and ignore me for days.

When he isn't holed up in his office or screaming at people over the phone, he walks around the house looking a mix of pissed off and stressed. Him and my mother. I don't know what's going on between them because neither will tell me a damn thing.

I'm starting to feel like I did when I first moved in here, like they're hiding something from me. Again. And the most frustrating part? I told Kaden to his face that I didn't want there to be any more secrets between us. The fact that he's blatantly keeping something from me hurts almost as much as him ignoring my existence does.

"I don't have to put up with his shit," I mutter to my reflection in the mirror while carefully applying some liquid mascara.

Sulking around this big stupid mansion and being forced to deal with people who refuse to treat me like an adult has gotten old. I need a break. I need to go out and have fun, even if I have to do it alone.

"Perfect." I give myself a smile while doing a little spin in front of the mirror. "This look absolutely screams single and looking for dick. I love it."

The strapless dress is everything; short, tight, and bound to set Kaden off. My makeup is minimal, my lips are the same shade of red as my dress, and my hair is voluminous, the dark brown tresses standing out with the red against my pale skin. I grab my clutch off the dresser and then exit my room to go downstairs. I pause at the last step, eavesdropping on my mother and Kaden from the kitchen.

"I can't keep playing this charade with her," Mom whispers to Kaden. "It's killing me to pretend like nothing is wrong. Yes, I thought it'd be best to keep her in the dark but now I'm not so sure. Maybe we should just tell her what happened—"

"No," Kaden snaps. "We can't tell her about your salon. Why put that stress on her when it's not hers to carry? You said you wanted to leave her out of this, so that's what we're going to do."

"I just hate having to lie about something else," Mom replies in a defeated tone. "How much longer until you get answers about who's responsible for vandalizing my salon?"

What the fuck! Someone attacked one of her salons?

"Investigations take time." Kaden sighs. "When I get answers, you'll be the first to hear them. In the meantime, Tony and his team will continue to keep watch over both salons, just in case this bastard decides to come back and—"

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