14 | No Amount of Luck, Part 1 (Kaden)

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Kaden's POV

I'm doing a shit job with this whole relationship thing.

So when Bella storms into her bedroom, slamming the door loudly behind her, I'm ready to drop to my knees and beg for her forgiveness. But I don't get the chance because she throws herself into my arms, muttering something about Jason and a diner and her wanting to kick his ass. She's talking so fast I can only think to kiss her in order to get her to shut up.

"What was that for?" She asks breathlessly after pulling back. "Not that I'm complaining, even though I am still a little mad at you."

"You were talking a mile per minute, love. I could barely keep up." When she rolls her eyes at me and pouts, I smile, then kiss it off her sexy red lips before pulling her over to her bed so that we can sit and talk. "Before you start over from the beginning, can I ask what happened to your dress? Because I vividly remember you leaving here in a very short, very sexy red dress."

Bella blushes. "Truthfully, I barely lasted half an hour at the club before saying fuck it and going to Walmart to get a change of clothes."

"Damn." I chuckle quietly. "I'm actually relieved to hear you say that because I was freaking the fuck out thinking about you being out there fighting off God knows how many drunk assholes in whatever shithole nightclub you'd visited. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw you come into the kitchen wearing that dress. If your intention tonight was to have me lose my mind for being such a terrible boyfriend, then consider the mission accomplished."

"I wanted to be petty because you've been ignoring me for days without giving me a reason why," she replies, holding one of my hands and squeezing it. "It felt like you were keeping things from me again, and I was right to assume that because I overheard what you and Mom were talking about in the kitchen."


"I know someone vandalized one of her salons. What I don't know is why you felt as if I shouldn't be looped in. She's my mother before she's your pretend wife, in case you need a reminder."

I sigh, breaking eye contact. "You already know the truth about why I married Evangeline, so I figured why put more drama on your plate?"


"I know, I know. But I truly didn't want to burden you with our problems. It didn't seem fair to do that to you, though looking back on everything, you had the right to know what was going on. Your mother and I should've been honest with you, and I'm sorry that I wasn't." I raise her hand to my lips and kiss it, looking into her eyes. "Can you forgive me, baby?"

"I don't know yet, but you can try to make it up to me in a few minutes..." She gives me a wicked look that stirs my cock awake, and I know right then that tonight will be a long one. "Back to this vandalization thing. I heard you say there's an investigation happening. Does that mean you know who may have done it, or at least have an idea? I can't think of anyone who'd want to hurt Mom. Maybe an ex-employee who's holding a grudge for being fired, but even that's pushing it."

"I think I know who may be behind it, but I need proof that they're responsible before I'm able to legally go after them," I answer, then quickly shift gears before she asks me to name drop.

Now that she's already met him, I have no doubt that she'll try to go after Jason on her own for coming at her mother. He'd probably retaliate against her in response, and then I'd have to step in and kill him. None of us needs that scenario to manifest. Not yet.

"The reason why I haven't been spending much time with you lately, why it seemed like I was avoiding you, is because it's hard for me to keep my mouth shut when you're around." I flash her an apologetic look, and the fire that was previously raging in her eyes appears to have simmered down. "As I said before, I didn't want to burden you with any of this."

Bella nods in understanding. "I get that, but what I need going forward is for you to treat me like I'm an adult and not like I'm a child who needs to be kept in the dark anytime something bad happens. You're my partner, Kaden. That means your problems are my problems and vice versa. We're in this shit together, so if you truly trust me, prove it."

"Fuck, babe. You're even sexier when you're telling me off."

"Can you be serious for five minutes?"

I place her hand on my erection, and her eyes widen. "I am being serious."

"I first need to tell you about Jason before we have makeup sex, you damn horn dog." She yanks her hand away, face flushed and eyes back on mine. I chuckle softly. "I stopped by this diner before I came home. He walked in and started talking to me..."

As she tells me about their encounter, it confirms my suspicions that Jason is definitely responsible for the vandalization of Evangeline's salon. Whether he did it himself or hired someone to do it, the smartass is responsible, and I'm going to make him pay.

"He gave me a ton of bad vibes," Bella concludes, frowning. "And when I had that slip up at the bar about me being involved with a married man, I swear I didn't mention your name. I didn't mention any name, but it felt like Jason knew more than what he was letting on because he kept taking shots at me for it. This is kinda stupid, but... do you think he might know about us?"

I shake my head. "We've barely been out in public together, and even then, I haven't touched you in a way that could be deemed inappropriate. I suspect that when he said all those things, he was merely trying to get under your skin to piss you off. Either way, I'll deal with him tomorrow, so put him out of your mind and give your attention back to me."

She smirks, rolling her eyes before cupping the tent in my shorts. "Is this the part where you apologize to me again, but without using words this time?"

"That's exactly right." I stand and order her to strip while I walk over to lock the door and turn off the light. I get naked and join her on the bed, eager to give her the attention that she and her body deserve.

That bastard Jason appears to be coming after everyone that's close to me. He could've easily told Bella that we used to work together, could've easily told her I'm the reason why he got fired and, if he really wanted to lay it on thick, he could've tried to spin it and paint me out as being the bad guy.

But he didn't do any of that. He taunted Bella instead, made her feel cornered and unsafe. Then he had the nerve to pass along the message of him telling me hello? Fuck him straight to hell, the lousy prick.

I won't give him the chance to pull another stunt like that. Doesn't matter that I don't have any solid evidence to use against him right now. It's only a matter of time before he makes a mistake that'll play out in my favor. For the sake of my reputation and the company's image, I need to try to bring him down the right way. The legal way. But, if that ends up not working out, I'll have no choice but to pull the strings that'll permanently remove him from my life.

No amount of luck can save him then.

. . .

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