17 | Time (Bella)

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Amabella's POV

It's been quiet for a few weeks now.

Too quiet.

My mother is no longer scared to go to work because her salons haven't been vandalized since the last time. It's almost as if Jason has up and disappeared. Whatever Kaden did to get him to back off has apparently worked. He said he'd do whatever to protect me and my mother, and his actions show that he's been working hard at keeping his word.

I feel safe again, and when he's by my side, I feel like the luckiest, happiest girl in the world.

"You're unusually quiet." Kaden chuckles, his fingers running through my hair as he hugs me from behind. "What are you thinking about right now?" Turning over to face him, he smiles when we make eye contact. I mirror his expression while snuggling closer to him. "Did my playing in your hair put you to sleep? Sorry if I woke you up by talking..."

"No, it's fine. I was actually just thinking..."

"Hm?" His fingers shift and are now running up and down my spine. It's both relaxing and slightly a turn-on. "Thinking about what?"

"What our future has in store for us after you take over your father's company and 'divorce' my mother." I meet his gaze again and he literally takes my breath away. He's so handsome that it's hard to believe he's real sometimes. And all mine. "I still can't believe she hasn't figured us out yet. Sometimes I just want to come out and tell her. After she broke down and confessed everything, it forced me to acknowledge how guilty I've been feeling because of what you and I have been doing behind her back—"

"Baby, please don't get yourself all worked up over this." Kaden gives me a quick peck on the lips before moving a hand up to my face, caressing my cheek. "I'll support you in doing whatever you want to do, and I'll happily deal with the consequences so long as I'm able to continue seeing you every single day."

"You really mean that?"

"Of course, love. If you want her to know about us, we can tell her whenever you'd like. What I don't want is for you to wallow in guilt and end up hating yourself for something that started because we ended up catching feelings for each other."

I'm stunned by his words.

For so long, he's warned me about why we needed to keep our relationship a secret. If word ever got out that we're a couple, it'd not only ruin his image, but it would also destroy his chances of taking over his family's business. I'm certain his parents wouldn't approve of him dropping his wife to date her stepdaughter. I'm terrified that, in reality, all hell will break loose if his parents ever find out about us.

Who knows how my mother would react? Yes, she's understanding to a degree, but she can also be judgmental and overprotective of me. I honestly don't know what to expect from that woman. At the end of the day, when I'm able to muster up the courage to tell her about me and Kaden, I anxiously hope that she'll accept us.

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