07 | Weaker (Bella) | Censored

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Amabella's POV

Kaden Matthews is much weaker than I thought.

A few kisses here, a little groping there, and boom—the truth spills out of him like a confession, and I'm playing the role of his priest.

It felt so damn good to be told I wasn't crazy, that I was right about all the accusations I'd been throwing around. What felt even better was the mistake that Kaden and I made inside the pool this morning. I got the upper hand towards the end of our fooling around, but at the beginning, Kaden had me completely. 

His kisses are addictive, and I find myself constantly craving his touch. He knows exactly how to work my body despite never having had a full taste. I desperately wanted to succumb to him in the pool. I wanted to give him whatever he desired. I wanted to fuck his brains out inside every room of the mansion we share, which is precisely why I left when I did.

"Courtesy of the gentleman over there."

I hesitantly accept the drink from the bartender before turning to look in the direction he's pointing.

My gaze locks onto the only man waving at me. He's of average height, has a fit but not overly muscular build, and he's a dirty blonde. Major red flag. I smile and wave out of politeness. Every time I get mixed up with a blonde, things end in disaster. I doubt this guy will be any different, so I need to shut him down quickly.

"Are you guys hiring?" I ask the bartender, slowly pushing the drink from the stranger off to the side. Maybe he'll get the message that I'm not interested. "Part or full-time. Weekends only. Anything. I just really need some extra cash right about now."

That isn't a lie. I do alright working as a freelance graphics designer; a passion I found I had while I'd been on my 'figuring out who I am as a person' journey after dropping out of college. But when it comes to clients, they always come and go. Lately, they've been going more than coming, which has resulted in wild fluctuations in my bank account.

Money is tight and I need much more than what I currently have if I ever plan on moving out of Kaden's place.

I'm still waiting to hear from my landlord to see if I can temporarily stay in one of the vacant apartments that the fire hadn't touched. I was told they had given priority to the elderly and people with children, which was understandable. But, it's been weeks since I last heard of any updates, so I assume whatever was available has now gone.

"Sorry, we're not hiring at the moment." The bartender gives me an apologetic look before turning away to tend to another patron.

I sigh and resume sipping on my original drink.

This bar is my last stop for the night. It's getting late and I'm tired of running around town. I left the house this morning to keep from sleeping with my stepfather, and while out driving around in one of his fancy cars, I quickly realized I had absolutely nothing to do. I have no friends here; I have no job; I have no boyfriend. I have nothing to keep me entertained. Nothing but myself.

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