08 | Secrets (Kaden)

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Kaden's POV

I still can't believe that I had sex with my stepdaughter.

A week has passed since me and Bella crossed that line for the first time, and I regret nothing. That's foolish to say given what's at risk if my arrangement with Evangeline falls flat, but I just don't give a shit anymore. All I want is to be with Bella. I care about her so much that it scares me. If it turns out she doesn't feel half of what I feel for her, I'll be gutted.

"I'm back." A knock at the door pulls me out of my head and places me back into the present.

"Come in, Viv." I greet my personal assistant, Vivian, with a bright smile as she enters my office with food. She passes me a warm bagel smothered in strawberry cream cheese, just how I like it. "You know I hate having you get me food because it isn't part of your job description, so I really appreciate that you did this for me."

"Not a problem, boss." Vivian takes a seat in front of my desk. Her dark eyes then pick me apart. "I hate to pry, but are you doing okay?"

"Am I doing okay?" I repeat in between bites. "What makes you think that I'm not?"

"You normally come in with breakfast. And while I didn't mind going out to get you something just now, I couldn't ignore that red flag. Also, you're the best at hiding your emotions, but lately, they're written all over your face. You look sad, boss."

Shit. More like anxious and stressed because of the secret affair that I'm having with my stepdaughter, which is clearly affecting me more than I thought.

"You're the only assistant of mine that's lasted longer than six months. Some would say you're a legend because of that." I try to weasel out of the hot seat by throwing compliments at her, to no avail.

"I'm the only one capable of putting up with your shit, so I'll happily wear the title." Vivian chuckles. "Now, back to my assessment. Is married life not living up to your expectations? I know you aren't the chatty type regarding your personal life, but as someone who genuinely cares for you outside of this office, I want to know how you're holding up."

How I'm holding up? It's a shame that I have to think about my answer. It's been a while since anyone has cared enough to ask.

"You've been with me for years, so you know I've been a promiscuous asshole for most of my life. Then, last year, I suddenly find the woman who made me want to settle down. Now I'm married and have a stepdaughter. There's been a lot of readjusting on my part, and although the journey hasn't been flawless, I don't regret getting married."

Most of that had been a lie, excluding the first and last part. I was a whore, and I don't regret fake marrying Evangeline because through her is how I got my Bella. I wish I could tell Vivian about the woman who actually stole my heart, but I doubt she'd approve of me and Bella's complicated situationship. I should probably stop talking while I'm ahead. I consider Vivian a friend, so my mouth likes to run whenever she's around.

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