Request Board (CLOSED)

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Reply to whichever group you want with whatever ships you want and if you want a specific scenario.

Normal ship: Normal couple scenario (poly relationships are allowed)

Babysitter: Someone who is not the primary caregiver is watching out for or taking care of a little.

Play date: This can be between however many people you want, littles and caregiver go to someone's house or out somewhere and let their littles play.

Lonely Little: This is where there is a little that doesn't have a caregiver and is just by themselves. You can't also do it to where friends find the little in head space or something like that.

Things I Don't Do: I don't do anything illegal! I also don't do Takeda or Ukai in little space.

Things That Are Encouraged: Very detailed or specific scenarios (they don't have to it's just easier to work with), Rarepairs!!!, feedback is very helpful as long as it's actual feedback and not just sh*tt*ng  on my work.

✨Haikyuu✨Little Space/Age Regression✨OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now