🧡Baby With A Boo Boo🖤

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     Hinata was really excited for practice today so when the bell rang he practically jumped out of the classroom. Meeting Kageyama halfway they both ran as fast as they could. "I *huff* beat you! *huff huff*" Hinata announces out of breath "Yeah yeah, *huff* I'm still in the lead *huff* 49-48" Hinata scoffs hearing this, oh woooooow a one point difference whoopty-doo....

     After changing, they start to stretch until everyone else shows up. "Well, well, well, look who we have..." Hinata mentally prepared himself for whatever comments Tsukki has today... "The king and his queen" Before Hinata can open his mouth Kageyama puts a hand on his back and speaks up "Don't call him that you know he doesnt like it" Tsukki  just walks away ignoring Kageyama. Once everyone else arrives practice begins. Hinata had to practice receives so he was really upset. He had been doing this all practice and coach just wouldn't let up. "Hinata what are you doing get it together! I saw what you could do on the court but I'm not seeing it in practice! Don't tell me it was a fluke cause I know better!" Hinata was so mad he could explode at this point but he kept calm and finished practice without screaming at coach.

     "Kageyama! Pleeeeaaaassseee just once!"  "No! Everytime you say just once it goes on for an hour or more! I'm going home" Hinata needed to spike the ball just once today, he needed that feeling... "It's friday pleeeeeaaaaasssseeee!" Kageyama stared at Hinata realizing he wouldn't give up any time soon "Fine...." As expected this went on for about 15 minutes before Kageyama told Hinata they had to go. Hinata did not like that but Kageyama was already packing his bag.  Hinata was mad so he threw the ball at the wall he was facing. Not thinking of the repercussions, the ball came back to him and hit him straight in the face... "Hinata!" Kageyama ran over to his boyfriend who fell on the ground and check his face. Nothing was broken or bleeding so that was good but then he looked at Hinatas eyes. He looked so vulnerable and he was crying, that's when Kageyama realized that Hinata had slipped. "Aww baby boy is okay, shhh it'll be alright I promise, everything going to be okay." He brought Hinata to his chest and held him while he cried. He slowly started rocking him back and forth until his cries soften to sniffles. "Oh baby that must have hurt huh?" Hinata nodded his head "I'm so sorry pumpkin but you can't throw tantrums like that or you'll get hurt. Let me kiss it better!" Kageyama gave Hinata a light kiss in the forehead and bridge off his nose before hugging him again. "Okay we have to go home now, can we get ready?" Kageyama slowly helped him up and held his hands as they walked back to the changing room together.

     When all their stuff was ready they made their way to Kageyama house. Hinata was having some trouble holding his stuff and walking but he didn't say anything. Kageyama however knew when his little boy was upset so he took Hinatas bag and helped him on his back. "Are you ready little one?" Hinata yawned, slowly nodding as his head made its way to Kageyamas shoulder. When he woke up, he was being set down on the couch. "Okay we have to eat and shower but as soon as that's done we can go to bed, I promise" Hinata didn't like the idea of having to stay awake but he was really hungry, and a shower couldn't hurt. Kageyama quickly made some instant ramen for them both just cause it was fast and easy. He somehow managed to help feed a half asleep Hinata and himself (all caregivers have this super power). When he cleaned all of their stuff up he moved Hinata to the bathroom, setting him on top of the closed toilet seat so he could get the shower ready. "I know you prefer baths when you feel small but a shower will be quicker okay?" Hinata nodded as he struggled to take off his clothes. Kageyma couldn't help but laugh before helping his little boy.

     The shower felt nice but the bed felt even nicer once Hinata finally got to lay down. Kageyama looked through his school bag before pulling out a blue pacifier and putting it in Hinatas mouth. "Goodnight baby, I love you" Hinata managed to mumble out a "ni-ni dada, wub ou..." before drifting off to sleep.

Word count: 770

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