💛The Little Things💚

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He opens his eyes and they flutter shut again against the harsh light from the window. When his eyes adjust, Yamaguchi looks at the room. Tsukki is lying next to him sleeping peacefully. He giggled a bit and turns his body towards Tsukki. After looking at him for a while, he turns to the ceiling and stretches his arms up. An arm comes around his waist while he's focused on the little glow in the dark stars on his ceiling "Ah!" Yamaguchi squeals

    "Morning munchkin" Yamaguchi turns back over to look at Tsukki and smothers him with kisses "Are you okay baby?" Yamaguchi nods while grinning ear to ear "Ohhhhh have a very tiny baby today don't I~" Yamaguchi hides under the blankets and snuggled into Tsukki while balling himself up as small as possible. They sit like this for a few minutes until Tsukki finally speaks up "How do you feel about cinnamon rolls this morning?" Yamaguchi peaked through the blanket nodding his head.

      Tsukki got out of bed and put on his slippers before picking up Yamaguchi from the bed and starting to the kitchen. He sat Yamaguchi down on the counter only receiving a small whine and put some milk in a bottle. As he was waiting for the oven to preheat, he picked Yamaguchi back up to feed him. "Alexa play 'Our Playlist' on Spotify!" Yamaguchi soon finished his bottle and rested his head in the crook of Tsukki neck. Tsukki took out the cinnamon rolls from the package and put them in a pan using his free hand. This was a bit difficult but having an age regressor as clingy as Yamaguchi helped him get used to it.

     Once the oven dinged he set Yamaguchi down again and put the pan in the oven. He took Yamaguchi to the living room and set him down to get toys to play with. He came back with a few blocks and stuffies. Yamaguchi didn't really find any interest in the toys being in his youngest headspace yet, so instead he just crawled back to the kitchen. "Oh, hi munchkin did you need something? Did I forget something?" Yamaguchi just sat down and put his hands into his mouth. Tsukki chuckled shaking his head "okay well you cant put your yucky hands in your mouth and you can't stay on the yucky floor either...." Yamaguchi watched as his caregiver ran to get his pacifier and a chair from the table. He sat the chair near his area but far enough away to not get hurt, then he sat Yamaguchi on it, giving him his pacifier.

Soon enough the oven dinged and the rolls were done. Tsukishima took them out and set them on the counter to put the icing on. Yamaguchi watched as the icing melted from the heat of the rolls. He bounced in his seat a little catching Tsukki attention. "Aww are you excited munchkin?" Yamaguchi babbled at Tsukishima as he started to swing his legs. Tsukki placed a kiss on Yamaguchi's forehead, then pushed Yamaguchi and his chair back to the table. Yamaguchi played with his hands while his caregiver got a plate and cut up his cinnamon roll.

     Tsukki placed the plate in front of Yamaguchi and then sat down next to him with his own roll. Yamaguchi dove in hand first even though he was given a fork. The sweet cinnamon with the warm icing and soft bread felt like the best thing ever created on Yamaguchi's tastebuds. He ate it so fast that he didn't even notice he was done until he went to pick up another peice and the plate was empty. He turned to his caregiver, who was watching curiously, and smiled with his mouth still full of food. Tsukki just laughed and continued to eat his breakfast.

     Once they were both done, and all the food in Yamaguchi's mouth finally got swallowed, it was time to get cleaned up. Tsukki ran a warm bath putting a purple color tablet in and some strawberry scented bubbles. He helped Yamaguchi undress along with himself and then got situated in the bath together. He started lightly washing Yamaguchi's hair, mindlessly listening to the playlist they had forgotten was playing. Yamaguchi played with some bath toys to keep himself busy. He didn't understand why they had to wash they body and hair, he thought baths were for playing? Getting restless he looked up at Tsukki silently telling him he was ready to get this over with. Tsukki kissed his forehead and grabbed the cup next to him. He filled it with water and started rinsing Yamaguchi's hair.

     When he finally got all the soap out he quickly took a rag and some body wash to clean Yamaguchi's body. "Okay are you ready to get out honey?" Yamaguchi nodded but snuggled into Tsukki more looking a bit tired. They still had a few hours till nap time and if he put Yamaguchi down early, he would probably be cranky with his schedule thrown off. So instead he picked the younger one out of the bath and quickly wrapped him in a towel. He then got himself a towl and dried off while Yamaguchi sat on the toilet seat humming to the playlist.

     They were all dry and dressed for the day so it was time to play before nap time. Tsukki tried to get him to play or color or anything really but Yamaguchi wanted nothing to do with it all. He didn't want to play he just wanted to cuddle. He wanted his Tsukki! Eventually Tsukki gave in and cuddled with Yamaguchi while they watched Bluey. Yamaguchi LOVED Bluey and though he wouldn't admit it, Tsukki did too. They sat together watching Bluey all day taking a break for a nap, lunch, and some outside time where they took a short walk. This consisted mostly of Tsukki giving Yamaguchi a piggy back ride, but he should've seen it coming with how mentally small Yamaguchi was today. Today was the best day they've had in a while. He wishes it could be like this more often.

Word count: 1024

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