🖤Yucky Baby💛

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     It was a terrible day at school. People weren't wearing their masks properly, they were touching eachother and their faces and then eachother again. They weren't using hand sanitizer. They weren't wearing gloves. It was too much to even think about or look at for Sakusa but then it finally happened. Someone came up to Sakusa and patted him on the back and wrapped their arm around him "Hey what's wrong with you man? Loosen up!"

Sakusa didn't know the man or any of his friends who were crowding around him "Get off me please" the guy pretended he didn't hear anything "What?" Sakusa was pissed "Get off." The guys had a unison 'ooooooh' go around. The guy touching Sakusa squished Sakusas face in between his hands "What's your problem?" "GET THE FUCK OFF ME" Sakusa punched the guy in the jaw then ran to the nearest bathroom.

He scrubbed his face but it felt dirty. He scrubbed again, it was still dirty. He left, he got in his car and drove to his apartment as fast as possible. When he got home Atsumu was on the couch "Hey I though you had morning class today?" Before Atsu could say anything else the bathroom door was slammed shut. Sakusa stripped his whole body and got in the shower. He scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed his body but he just couldn't feel clean. No matter how much soap he used, or what he scrubbed his body with, he was just too dirty.

He got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around himself. He heard a soft knock and Atsumu voice followed "Hey babe? You okay?" Sakusa couldn't answer, he could only cry. When Atsumu heard this, he jiggled the door handle but it was locked. Sakusa sat in front of the door with his knees to his chest crying even harder. He just wanted to feel clean. Why couldn't he feel clean? Why was he so gross. He could feel himself slipping and curled up into a ball on the ground using his towel as a blanket. The floor wasn't clean but it didn't matter to him, he was dirty anyways and he was too tired to care. His eyes fluttered as sleep took over him.

Atsumu finally found the spare key and opened the door. He saw Sakusa sleeping on the ground with his skin red and irritated. Atsu put two and two together realizing Sakusa was having another bad day. He went to get a mask from the drawer in the kitchen and some gloves as well. Sakusa might not be awake but he will appreciate the gesture when he wakes up. Atsumu picked him up wrapping the towel around him which caused Sakusa to stir a bit in his sleep.

   Atsu set him in their bed and picked out a panda footsie that covered his whole body and has a cute hood. He took off the towel and wrapped it around Sakusas still wet hair drying it off. When that was done, he wiped down Sakusas entire body with baby wipes and put on a light lotion so his skin wouldn't dry out from all soap and scrubbing he did earlier. He then put on a diaper and the panda footsie on Sakusa which caused him to wake up. "Papa...." He sniffed a bit " Oh I know my sweet baby I know.... It's okay Papa is here" He swiped a line in the air with his thumb in front of Sakusas face, almost as if he were wiping a tear, to show to he wanted to comfort Sakusa without touching him.

He zipped up the footsie and went to grab the very recently washed play pen they use for situations like this. He set it up and let Sakusa crawl in before closing it behind him. "Okay baby I know it's not the best but it's that better?" Sakusa nodded wiping tears from his eyes. He had tissues and wipes next to him in the pen as well. He really wanted a hug from his Papa but also he couldn't stand the thought of being touched right now. Atsumu sat down in front of him on the other side of the pen. "Hey baby can we talk about what happened now?" Sakusa thought for a moment then started "None was wearin deir maks and was touchin everfing. dey was dirty an dey touchin me wif yucky hands! I say no but dey kept goin! I yell at dem but I feel too yucky so I go home. I jus a yucky baby.....no clean baby...." Atsumu sighed.

He didn't have any friends in his classes this semester so it had to be some Sakusa DIDN'T know which was even worse. If it was someone he knew Atsumu would've talked to them about it and explained how Sakusa felt and everything would've been fine. But now that he can't talk to the person he knew it was someone messing with Sakusa. "Okay baby thank you for being such a good big boy! You did exactly what you should've but next time you have to tell Papa first so he doesn't get scared like he was when you were in the bathroom okay?" Sakusa started crying again and mumbled out a "Kay..." he curled up into a ball and Atsumu grabbed his comfort stuffie and blanket. He put them in the pen near Sakusa. "Thank you Papa..." "of course baby" he drew the line in the air again and Sakusa did it back. Sakusa soon fell back asleep into his previous nap.

About an hour later he woke up. "Good afternoon buddy, do you want something to eat?" Sakusa shook his head then climbed out of the play pen with Atsumu help once he realized what Sakusa was trying to do. Sakusa led Atsumu by the hand to the couch where he sat Atsumu down and climbed into his lap. Atsumu hadn't moved his spot from the ground since Sakusa fell asleep so he was glad to move a least a little bit before he was sat on the couch. He loved Sakusa with all his heart and loved helping him through his days like this. He never felt like Sakusa was overreacting or was being too much. He just wanted him to feel better no matter what. Sakusa explained how he now felt clean again and just wanted to cuddle with Atsumu which he gladly obliged. They only needed eachother in this clean life of theirs.

Word count: 1082

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