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Iwaizumi had been in a bad mood all day, he was yelling at the team and Oikawa a lot. Oikawa started to get mad but knew not to push his buttons when he was like this. He didn't want to just stand by though, Iwaizumi lashed out on everyone when he was in a bad mood and then pretend like nothing happened the next day. It wasn't fair, they don't even get an apology? So in the middle of practice, Oikawa snapped back when Iwaizumi yelled, "Get your head out of your ass Shittykawa! You could've got that receive!" Oikawa stopped and turned to face him, Iwaizumi was confused and just stared as Oikawa walked up to him to pulled the collar of his shirt up "Just because you have your pannies in a bunch doesn't mean you get to be rude to your team. I'm pretty sure we've all had enough of your shit, you just take your emotions out on us and it's not fair. Talk to us about what's going on and we'll listen but you know damn well from Kageyama that we won't listen when you order us around like your little dogs."

     He let go and walked away to the changing room. It was clear practice was over for the day so everyone rested and got their water while they waited for Oikawa to come out. Iwaizumi huffed and stomped after him, when he opened the door Oikawa was fully changed in front of his locker. Iwaizumi ran over and slammed Oikawa's locker door making him gasp and turn around. "What the fuck was that. Don't tell me what to do and how to handle myself Kawa. Your going to change into your uniform and go back in there until practice is over, got it?" Oikawa looked down and stayed like that for a minute. Iwaizumi was angry "KAWA!" Oikawa flinched at the yelling and lifted his head sniffling "Iwa is jus a big meanie" Oikawa ran out of the door, down the steps, and out to the sidewalk without even looking back. He just kept running, not knowing where he even was. Iwaizumi had realized what happened and started crying, he felt so bad. Not only had he been mean to his team and Oikawa, but he yelled at Oikawa while regressed and his yelling was the reason Oikawa regressed. He banged his head on the locker before grabbing his and Oikawa'a stuff.

     Iwaizumi didn't know what to do now, he can deal with his team tomorrow but right now he needed to find Oikawa. He walked to Oikawa's house and opened the door with a spare key but no one was there. "Oh god where are you Oikawa" He ran out and down the street to his house only to find no one was there either. He started to yell for Oikawa but there was no answer. Finally he called him "Daddy?!?" He let out a breath of relief "Yes baby I'm so so sorry. Daddy shouldn't have yelled at you or the team and I'm so so so so sorry baby. Can you please forgive me, I just want to talk to you." He heard crying from the other side "Daddy I fogibe you buh pease find me! It too dawk I so scawed!" "Of course baby of course your gonna be okay! Okay I'm going to go back to the school, is there any big signs or anything around you I can find you with?" He hears shuffling on the other side of the line "No it jus dawk, daddy I scawed..." he started crying more "Hey baby's it's okay, it's okay I'll be there soon honey I promise I'm gonna get you. Just think of it as hide and seek. Right now you picked a really really good hiding spot, so good daddy can't find you so you're going to help give me clues so I can find you okay?" When he said it like that Oikawa lightened up a little bit.

      "Otay" "Good job baby so brave for me. Now do you remember which way you went when you went down the stairs?" "I jus wen stwaight fo a real long time" "okay okay good, did you make any turns at all?" Oikawa thought for a minute "No jus stwaight" "okay god job baby. Now I'm walking straight so could you turn on your flashlight maybe? I'm gonna turn on mine and if you see it before I see yours you walk to it okay?" "Otay, it on!" Iwaizumi continued walking while keeping Oikawa calm on the phone. He started to see a light and ran towards it. He finally found Oikawa. "Daddy!" Oikawa ran up to him and hugged him crying into his chest "I was so scawed an i misses you an I thought you was mad an you was gonna leave me" This broke Iwaizumi's heart to hear "oh no baby I could never. Your my sweet and strong baby boy in so sorry you had those icky thoughts!"

     He pressed a few kisses to Oikawa's temple and held him tighter. He picked Oikawa up, putting him on his back and he walked back to Oikawa's house. By the time he got back, Oikawa had fallen asleep on his back. He got in and set Oikawa on his bed, placing a pacifier in his mouth and covering him with blankets. Iwaizumi took a quick shower then got out to dry off. While he was putting on his clothe's he heard crying so he shufffled the rest of them on and ran to the bedroom. "Daddy?" "Yes baby I'm here I'm sorry" Oikawa wrapped his arms around Iwaizumi tightly "Go away?" Iwaizumi could tell he was younger now "No no princey, Daddy won't go away again. I'm gonna stay with you for the rest of the night. It's time to go to bed so let's get you changed" Oikawa nodded and got changed into alien pajama pants and a light purple tank top. They settled back down on the bed and Iwaizumi put Oikawas pacifier in his mouth. They cuddled for the rest of the night never letting go.

Word Count: 1035

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