🤍Accidents Happen🤎

671 16 7

Requested by @Piggy2021 Thank you so much for your request and I hope you are happy with it!

It was third period, Math. Class was almost done but with only 20 minutes left, Kita realized he hadn't done any of his class work for today. He had a terrible time focusing and his head felt fuzzy all day. He tried to hold it back but it was no use, his headspace started slipping and he no longer had control over anything. He wanted to cry, he wanted his Papa. Kita just wanted cuddles and his cartoons. Everything felt like too much, his paper was just a bunch of random numbers and letters. He didn't know what to do.

     He then, felt his bladder twinge...he hadn't gone to the bathroom all day, that was really the last thing on his mind. This was the last straw. Checking his bag he then realized he hadn't brought his emergency little space bag. Tears formed in Kita's eyes as they dropped into his paper messing it up. The bell rang finally and he grabbed everything in his hands not bothering to put it in his bag. He ran straight to the bathroom and sat his stuff in the biggest stall.

     He tried his hardest to go as fast as possible but his eyes were blurring and he was fumbling, everything was too much and too hard to do. He just sat there crying as he wet himself. He brought his feet onto the toilet seat as he heard the bell ring again, starting the next class. Kita was done. Without a second thought he just cried in the stall not planning on moving any time soon.

Aran was searching around, Kita hadn't shown up at their meeting spot. Everyday they meet up and walk to fourth period together. He had saw Kita this morning so he has to be here. He didn't text Aran that he had left like he normally would. Where was he? He looked through the window of their fourth period class to see if maybe he had just gone straight there but, nope. He tried calling him but no answer. He almost gave up but decided to check one more place.

Kita had been in full tears, sniffling and wiping his face with his jacket. He heard footsteps and immediately tried to be silent. The footsteps walked to each of the stalls lightly pushing them open. Finally the person came to his stall, "Kita are you in here?" He let out a small gasp "Papa?" These words shocked Aran. Of course, that makes so much sense. "Hi baby, can you unlock the door for me?" Kita thought for a moment before starting to cry again. He was embarrassed, he had an accident and he didn't want Papa to be mad. He didn't want anyone to know.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay baby, what the matter?" When there was no answer Aran assumed Kita was too young in his headspace to talk. He normally regressed very young but he could usually hold it in better in public situations. "I'm going to come in okay? I'm sorry" He took off his backpack and slid it under the stall as a last warning to show he was coming in. He then slid under the door in a swift movement standing up and brushing himself off. Kita was huddled in the corner next to the stall door and the wall.

Aran walked over slowly and bent down to his level. "Can you tell me what's wrong? I just want to help you okay?" Kita looked up slowly and looked to see if Aran was being truthful. When he saw his face he opened his arms and made grabby hands. Aran hugged him there on the ground only then noticing the retched stench on the regressor. When he parted from the hug he took out his gym bag too change Kitas clothes. He calmed Kita down before asking for approval to change him. He put Kita into grey sweatpants and a loose shirt.

Once they were both calm and content, they walked out of the stall, washed their hands, and left. Kita wanted Aran to hold him but they were still in school. Once they got to the car Aran buckled him in and started home. By the time they got home Kita had fallen asleep in the passenger seat. Aran chuckled as he got out of the car and went to unbuckled Kita. He got Kita out and put him on his hip grabbing both of their book bags. It was amazing how Aran carried everything and unlocked the door.

Once they got inside he sat everything down by the door and took Kita to the bedroom. Aran laid him down on the bed to sleep for a little bit longer. He changed into comfortable clothes and washed all of their dirty clothes, it was almost laundry day anyways. He went into the kitchen to cook up some tofu. Kita really likes tofu burgers but since his mental age is so small he just cut it up real small with some vegetable. He wasn't a real picky eater but he did have his dislikes just like any other.

Soon enough Aran heard little cries from the bedroom, he went to go check on Kita. Once he walked through the doorway Kita looked up and stopped crying, instead he wiped his tears away and reached out for Aran. "What a needy and dramatic little boy you are" Kita giggled as he was picked up and carried to the kitchen. He lets out a yawn as he was put into the chair and given his plate of food. They sat in silence for the meal but it was comfortable. Aran put on some cartoons for Kita while he did the dishes. Today had been pretty rocky but seeing his baby happy meant that nothing else mattered.

Word Count: 994

✨Haikyuu✨Little Space/Age Regression✨OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now