🖤Drink Please💛

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Thank you for your request I hope you enjoy!<3
(Sakusa calls Atsumu mama in this because he is more comfortable with it and has bad memories of his father aka daddy issues)

Today was a pretty calm and quiet day in the Miya house. Sakusa was regressed today which has become increasingly less common while in college than in high school, of course Atsumu didn't mind but today he just really wanted to relax so he put out some toys and put on a movie for Sakusa while he was on his phone. Sakusa played with his toys and finished the movie but was pretty sad when he realized mama wasn't paying attention. He crawled over and set next to Atsumu on the couch "Mama?" "Yes baby?" He didn't turn to look at Sakusa or anything. Just kept looking at his phone "Movie done now..." he nodded showing he was listening but still not looking up from his phone "Do you want another one on?" Sakusa shook his head and hummed an uh-uh. Atsumu gave a quick pat to the head then continued his game on his phone.

Sakusa was getting bored of his toys and a little thirsty "Mama? Dink pease?" "Sure baby gimme oonnnneeee second!" About five minutes later Sakusa realized mama wouldn't be getting his drink anytime soon and he didn't want to ask again. That would be annoying. With that he went to the kitchen to try and make a drink but he couldn't even get the milk out of the fridge. He closed the door and crawled over to Atsu "Mama? Can I dink pease?" Atsumu hummed an uh-huh and shooed him off to the kitchen. Sakusa was very upset at this and instead ran to the bedroom. He laid in their bed crying but trying to muffle the sound as much as possible. He is usually on his phone but he always takes time to care for Sakusa. Sakusa hasn't regressed in a while though. It had been about a month so he really needed today....

Atsumu paused his video he was watching, things were way too quiet in the house.... He was going to go do something but he couldn't remember anymore. He suddenly heard a noise, he got up to see where it was coming from and realized it was from the bedroom. That's when it clicked, Sakusa! He rushed into the room scooping up the little into his arms and rocking him back and forth with a little bounce. After a few minutes Sakusa squirmed out of Atsumu arms and sat back on the bed covering himself with the blanket."Baby I'm sorry I forgot your drink. Can you please come out?" Sakusa lifted his head out of the blanket clearly out of little space "you think this is about a drink?" Atsumu flinched a bit with the change of tone and sat on the edge of the bed away from Sakusa. "Sakusa-" Sakusa gave him a sharp look "don't please" Atsumu put his hands in his lap and sat still in the silence

     " I love you and I know school is just as stressful for you, I'm sorry you have to take care of me but if you don't feel like it just say so. You ignoring me when I'm already in that headspace ruins it for me and is very damaging. If we talk when I'm big it's fine and I can understand better. Please communicate with me if I'm too much. It just hurts to see that you aren't there when I really need you." Sakusa wiped the tears from his eyes and laid back down on the bed under the covers.

     He felt Atsumu get off the bed, roll the covers back, and get behind him. Atsumu wrapped his arms around Sakusa pulling him in close and nuzzling his face into Sakusa shoulder. "Baby I'm so sorry. I was really really mean and I was very bad today. Is there any way I can make it up to you or apologize?" Sakusa sat still currently in between headspaces "jus wan to be enough" Atsumu broke at this. He never meant for his baby to feel like this. He turned Sakusa around and wiped his tears pulling Sakusa in closer to his chest. When they crying finally settled Atsumu picked Sakusa up and walked into the kitchen. He sat Sakusa in the counter while he made some chocolate milk. Once he was done he gave Sakusa the drink and picked him back up bringing him to the couch and turning on a soft movie for some background noise. He held Sakusa as tight as he could without hurting the younger. They didn't have to say any words they just knew what they wanted to say to the other. The afternoon went great after that and Atsumu was sure to remind his baby that he would always be enough.

Word count: 836

✨Haikyuu✨Little Space/Age Regression✨OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now